Low IQ Somali terrorist vows to take Rome and constantinoble

This is what awaits terrorist monkeys like himself :icon lol:

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Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
I think his point was that he did not recognise Turkey as most members of daesh do not recognise modern borders and also because Turkey is a nato member.
Wow just wow God help these fools from their own foolishness.
they have shamed the name of Islam and now the term “Allahu Akbar” is associated with these idiots


Forza Somalia!
Why u watching their bodies broski...
Hard to ignore 4 meters of futo walking in front of you, even the the thickest girl don't have that.
That abnormal that I only saw in UK :reallymaury:, even a UK farax that change to our school in Finland had a very thicc butt, all the school was talking about when he arrived, for real.
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