Lola Q&A

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ahlan wa sahlan habiibi. Kayfa xaalak?

You're one of my faves. Very interesting guy. Independent thinker. Not a herd follower. Nor a camel raper. You've got style. I like how you roll.

Tell me this, are you Alt Right or Alt Left? Give it to me straight. Are you pulling for the Donald in 2020 like the Don? We need to hear more about your politics.

What's the most outlandish opinion you hold on social or political issues?

We're gonna get to know you properly in this thread. No evasions.

Everybody ask Lola your questions. I'll be moderating. No attacks on his HIV ridden qabil allowed nor the miniature size of his manhood. Keep it respectful.


ahlan wa sahlan habiibi. Kayfa xaalak?

You're one of my faves. Very interesting guy. Independent thinker. Not a herd follower. Nor a camel raper. You've got style. I like how you roll.

Tell me this, are you Alt Right or Alt Left? Give it to me straight. Are you pulling for the Donald in 2020 like the Don? We need to hear more about your politics.

What's the most outlandish opinion you hold on social or political issues?

We're gonna get to know you properly in this thread. No evasions.

Everybody ask Lola your questions. I'll be moderating. No attacks on his HIV ridden qabil allowed nor the miniature size of his manhood. Keep it respectful.

Ana bekhair, alḥamdulillāh.

I think most users on here are independent thinkers; there's nothing particularly unique about me. But I'll take the compliment, sxb.

I'm neither alt-right or alt-left, but I've previously dabbled in both (fascist right and communist left). For now, however, I go with the policies - not the parties. My economics are fairly conservative (lower taxes, reduced government spending). I won't be 18 in 2020 so I won't be able to vote for presidental candidates.

Outlandish? Hmm. I guess one opinion of mine that others may find absurd is the fact that I strongly despise secularism. I believe secularism is shirk and that it's the greatest threat facing modern-day Islam.

HIV ridden qabil :mjlol:...I'll be nice with you. I could call the entire clan to go after you and shred you to pieces but I'll let this one slide. Next time I won't be so kind, though.:kodaksmiley:


She's sixteen warya.

I was told only the Admin can change the usernames. So contact him/her. And I don't know how to find him/her.

@Lolalola Mine is dry and nerdy. I had schematics open and was reading for a plan on troubleshooting some piece of equipment, so my username was born that way.

Keep it simple. I suggest few usernames for you:

Somali ones:

SaxarDiid = One who avoids or stays above dirt
Halgame = One who struggles for ethnic and national causes, or for any cause really.
Mataan = One who has a twin
Halhays = motto, a saying often quoted by someone, a favorite phrase or words one usually quotes.

QalbiDhagax = Cold-hearted, stone-hearted, shows no empathy and not easily moved
DibJir = Someone who does not come home often and stays out more than they can be found at their residence. This word is used for someone who goes against the norms though, it has negative connotation but I think it sounds fun forum name. Gives you some prestige and makes you come across as bad ass.

English Ones:


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Lola is a she? Wow, I really suck at gendering users here. I thought she was a male.

Yea, there is a male vibe to the posts by Lolala. Perhaps those who confuse him for a female have their brain connect the Spanish word Lolita to Lola, hence, the confusion.
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