Lion on the loose in midst of riots


"You are your best thing"

Is all fun and games until you run into Simba:stressed:


Milf hunter
It's fake, didn't some "news websites" report Putin releasing lions to keep Russian niggas at home and use this very same pic? Wallahi it's very familiar :mjlol:
Would’ve been fun to see that lion maul those blm halimos and gangster abdis
Most of the time it's the wanna-be gangster abdis that do BLM, i don't hate BLM, But i am not black, and i am not below them in any manner.

Anaa diiday afrikaan qurux iyo xadaaro ii quudheyne
Dadow afrikaan rabbigii ku gaaloobey waad ka sareysaane
Dadku wax aan taqwa aheyn sharaf kuma gaaraane

(inspired by: