Life is a scam

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Life is the biggest scam of them all. Without any choice in the matter, we’re born into this terrible world. We spend the first half of our lives in education, and the rest of our lives as wage slaves making money for our employers. Then we retire and spend the last few years of our lives with all sorts of sicknesses/diseases.
Eventually we die and we’ll be forgotten within 5 years of our death. Even your own parents will eventually forget you kkkk.
Life is a f*cking scam kkkkkk this shit is so worthless. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re all special/important but there are 7 billion people in this world. We mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
All the things we care and worry about: school, work, politics, relationships etc just serve as distractions. They don’t matter.
We’re all alone in this world.
All that matters is your deen/religion.
Life is the biggest scam of them all. Without any choice in the matter, we’re born into this terrible world. We spend the first half of our lives in education, and the rest of our lives as wage slaves making money for our employers. Then we retire and spend the last few years of our lives with all sorts of sicknesses/diseases.
Eventually we die and we’ll be forgotten within 5 years of our death. Even your own parents will eventually forget you kkkk.
Life is a f*cking scam kkkkkk this shit is so worthless. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re all special/important but there are 7 billion people in this world. We mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
All the things we care and worry about: school, work, politics, relationships etc just serve as distractions. They don’t matter.
We’re all alone in this world.
All that matters is your deen/religion.
My plan to red-pill the world is going well I see.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Life is the biggest scam of them all. Without any choice in the matter, we’re born into this terrible world. We spend the first half of our lives in education, and the rest of our lives as wage slaves making money for our employers. Then we retire and spend the last few years of our lives with all sorts of sicknesses/diseases.
Eventually we die and we’ll be forgotten within 5 years of our death. Even your own parents will eventually forget you kkkk.
Life is a f*cking scam kkkkkk this shit is so worthless. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re all special/important but there are 7 billion people in this world. We mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
All the things we care and worry about: school, work, politics, relationships etc just serve as distractions. They don’t matter.
We’re all alone in this world.
All that matters is your deen/religion.


Been there, done that
Life is the biggest scam of them all. Without any choice in the matter, we’re born into this terrible world. We spend the first half of our lives in education, and the rest of our lives as wage slaves making money for our employers. Then we retire and spend the last few years of our lives with all sorts of sicknesses/diseases.
Eventually we die and we’ll be forgotten within 5 years of our death. Even your own parents will eventually forget you kkkk.
Life is a f*cking scam kkkkkk this shit is so worthless. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re all special/important but there are 7 billion people in this world. We mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
All the things we care and worry about: school, work, politics, relationships etc just serve as distractions. They don’t matter.
We’re all alone in this world.
All that matters is your deen/religion.
You must be fun at parties :jaynerd:
The choice is always in you're hands, once you complete middle school nobody forces you on education, slave work and why do you care if ppl remember you when you're dead, you're dead its game over, the only scam is how short our life span is, the fukers in the future will most likely be middle age in their 70's or 80's, just learn how to live life, once you master that, have a early retirement plan (roughly in you're 40's) so that you can enjoy you're retirement.
I have just discovered this, it makes me feel better, i dont care anymore about many stupid dunya things
Only my family and my deen basically
You should commit suicide if the thoughts are too prevalent. :manny:, it is the only way you can tackle it. I haven't looked back ever since i jumped off a bridge. My life is amazing now:mjpls:
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