Liberal mosque opens in berlin

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Do you actually believe extreme liberal/s/lesbian's or any of the other derivative filth actually regularly pray 5 times a day? really? do you also believe gangbanger's pray?

You are giving way to much credit here sxb, such people don't come near Salah, never mind Salah they are blessed with further misguidance until they fall into apostasy, there is nothing to worry about.


Those who destroyed Somalia and Somalis pray too. Those who bomb and kill worshippers in mosques pray too. Warring clans who fight and kill one another even during Ramadan pray too. Mass murderer pray too. Rapists pray too. Does Allah prefer these groups of people than a female leading prayers? The logic of the illogical.

Those who destroyed Somalia and Somalis pray too. Those who bomb and kill worshippers in mosques pray too. Warring clans who fight and kill one another even during Ramadan pray too. Mass murderer pray too. Rapists pray too. Does Allah prefer these groups of people than a female leading prayers? The logic of the illogical.

The Khawariij prays more then the average Muslim and this was foretold to us by the Prophet and they leave the religion like an arrow leaves a bow.

Much of the above groups you mentioned don't pray, I have personally seen/met tribal fighters on the ground, they are all drug addict criminals that don't even know how to pray much less perform it, salah as the Quran tells us keeps you away from shamelessness & evil deeds never mind serious ones like murder which they commit with impunity.

However they are still Muslims unlike the homosexual/Lesbian or female Iman whom by virtue of making what's Haram Halal have taken themselves outside of the fold of Islam, apples and oranges mate.
The Khawariij prays more then the average Muslim and this was foretold to us by the Prophet and they leave the religion like an arrow leaves a bow.

Much of the above groups you mentioned don't pray, I have personally seen/met tribal fighters on the ground, they are all drug addict criminals that don't even know how to pray much less perform it, salah as the Quran tells us keeps you away from shamelessness & evil deeds never mind serious ones like murder which they commit with impunity.

However they are still Muslims unlike the homosexual/Lesbian or female Iman whom by virtue of making what's Haram Halal have taken themselves outside of the fold of Islam, apples and oranges mate.


Mate, is this a late April fool's day joke? Why only the fighters? Where are the leaders who organised these wars, small business owners who are the financiers and members of the clan who collect the funds to buy the arms needed for such wars and to cover the costs of the clan's war, tribal Sheikhs who bless their clan's militia and justify it on religious grounds, poets who compose encouragement bravery poems for their clan and other celebratory poems in defeating and destroying the other clan, women who ululate and compose motivational buranburs before and after a war for their tribal brethren. We are discussing a whole nation of killers who pray. Come on mate.
Our Great Grandfathers were Somali Supremacist they called all bad things saan cadaale even Somali women can call you saancadaale if you are bad person . They made agreement in zaila and Berbera no white person will born this country to they we have the most stupid

Yes and No. Yes, the rift started earlier and had much to do with Aisha's hatred and obsession in stopping Ali to become a Caliph because she blamed his followers for the death of her tribal brethren (does it remind you modern Somalis) Othman. She along with Mu'awiyah who was also related to Othman were hostile towards Ali and waged wars against him which the famous one was the Battle of the Camel. You could technically argue that these events gave birth to the Sunni sect, however the Sunni sect only became dominant after the accessation of Mu'awiyah to power through might. That is when most of the early Sunni Hadiths were written that now my fellow Somali Sunnis consider it to be a Holly text.

You see Sunni scholars are mute and avoid discussing Mu'awiyah and Aisha's hatred and violence towards Ali and his family. Therefore, none of the herd could open mindedly say, hey, what happened here. A result of blind faith.
Kitaabkii shiicada ayaad soo aqriday dib ugu noqo
Our Great Grandfathers were Somali Supremacist they called all bad things saan cadaale even Somali women can call you saancadaale if you are bad person . They made agreement in zaila and Berbera no white person will born this country to they we have the most stupid

Kitaabkii shiicada ayaad soo aqriday dib ugu noqo


Kitaabka Sunnida ee Mucaawiyah qorey muxuu ka dhahay sheekadaasi?

Those who destroyed Somalia and Somalis pray too. Those who bomb and kill worshippers in mosques pray too. Warring clans who fight and kill one another even during Ramadan pray too. Mass murderer pray too. Rapists pray too. Does Allah prefer these groups of people than a female leading prayers? The logic of the illogical.

Although I can't stand your constant attacks and hirsi ali-nimo, you're right some muslims focus on the wrong things.
Although I can't stand your constant attacks and hirsi ali-nimo, you're right some muslims focus on the wrong things.


We all root for different people, I can't understand why fellow Somalis like you and others will consider someone (i view) who lacks moral compass to lead them as a prophet and you consider Ayan Hersi to be crap, therefore, let's agree to disagree.

It isn't only some people who focus on wrong things and if you mean that on clan warfare, it is common among Muslims and started as soon as Mohamed died, before he was even buried and it rages till today.

We all root for different people, I can't understand why fellow Somalis like you and others will consider someone (i view) who lacks moral compass to lead them as a prophet and you consider Ayan Hersi to be crap, therefore, let's agree to disagree.

It isn't only some people who focus on wrong things and if you mean that on clan warfare, it is common among Muslims and started as soon as Mohamed died, before he was even buried and it rages till today.

You don't know the prophet sws and can't prove any of the accusations. Ayaan hirsi is still around and she's wretched. But sure agree to disagree.

I wasn't talking about clan warfare i meant muslims in general sweating the small things and overlooking the most important. Clan warfare is a human phenomenon and yes it still rages today all over the world on different scales.
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