Liberal Europe Is Under Seige!!!

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Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
I think this is a great idea.:siilaanyosmile:

Tbh i think that European countries are TOO damn lenient on Khawariji extremist fuckers.:snoop:

Here in Saudi, the SECOND the شرطة find out that someone is doing something 'wierd'(like for example calling someone in Iraq or Syria without informing them be4, smuggling drugs from the Northern Saudi border, etc...)
They get CAPTURED, even the ones who forexample just gave them the phone without knowing who they're gunna call GET CAPTURED TOO...
I dont wanna say what happens to the captured ppl(Saudi or not doesn't matter in this issue) accused of comunicating with ISIS in Ksa, becuz no one here knows:francis:

We just know that the captured extremists are almost always NEVER seen again:manny:
May Allah the most sublime the changer of hearts allow us his slaves to see things as they're and not as they appear to be. Satan and his followers plot & plan, Allah also plans & Allah is the best of planners :banderas:


Sxb, sanka ha naga mar marin your beliefs, I'm restraining myself to not say a word about Islam that could be construed as an "insult" by the sensitive crowd during Ramadan. We are discussing a serious issue, welcome to participate but fadlan, ha naga raadin criticism of Islam because there are many decent Muslims here who are fasting.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Sxb, sanka ha naga mar marin your beliefs, I'm restraining myself to not say a word about Islam that could be construed as an "insult" by the sensitive crowd during Ramadan. We are discussing a serious issue, welcome to participate but fadlan, ha naga raadin criticism of Islam because there are many decent Muslims here who are fasting.
Honestly Muslims are the biggest targets of these terrorists more Muslims die at the hands of these terrorists than any other people of other faiths it's clear this is a terrorist war against Islam and Muslims & as Muslims prayer is our greatest strength so don't try to silence me warya Alhamdulillah Allah has created me with inalienable God given rights ma garatey I do not consent to your dictates:ufdup:
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I think this is a great idea.:siilaanyosmile:

Tbh i think that European countries are TOO damn lenient on Khawariji extremist fuckers.:snoop:

Here in Saudi, the SECOND the شرطة find out that someone is doing something 'wierd'(like for example calling someone in Iraq or Syria without informing them be4, smuggling drugs from the Northern Saudi border, etc...)
They get CAPTURED, even the ones who forexample just gave them the phone without knowing who they're gunna call GET CAPTURED TOO...
I dont wanna say what happens to the captured ppl(Saudi or not doesn't matter in this issue) accused of comunicating with ISIS in Ksa, becuz no one here knows:francis:

We just know that the captured extremists are almost always NEVER seen again:manny:


Thanks for your contribution and I think the Saudis are just like us, Somalis. We despise terrorists in our country but as long as they fight "infidels" and leave us alone, we support them. The root of this evilish Islamic terror is the Saudi salafi aka Wahhabi doctrine. The majority of Somalis are salafis and like this cognitive guy, he will never support the authorities and inform them of a terrorist plot if it is known to him. He considers to have strayed out of Islam if he cooperates with "kufars" against a fellow Muslim. We fucked our country and brought nothing but trouble to those who welcomed us and offered us asylum from the brink of death, destruction, illiteracy and hunger. I'm starting to think that Donald trump was probably right in banning us to migrate to the U.S.

Sxb, sanka ha naga mar marin your beliefs, I'm restraining myself to not say a word about Islam that could be construed as an "insult" by the sensitive crowd during Ramadan. We are discussing a serious issue, welcome to participate but fadlan, ha naga raadin criticism of Islam because there are many decent Muslims here who are fasting.

I'm going to do the same smh bad habits die hard i guess :bell:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm going to do the same smh bad habits die hard i guess :bell:
Why did you edit you comment I sense sweat trickling down your cheek :chrisfreshhah:

About Japan GDP or the USA being more rich than the whole of the Muslim world put together.

Well just let this marinate you magi

USA or Japan will never be able to repay their debt:comeon:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sxb igaa raali noqow don't want the thread turning into a shit slinging fest.
So what happens when the banks call their loans in will the United States or Europe or Japan still be great:hahaidiot:

Admit it you fear me cause falsehood can never defeat the truth ALLAHU AKBAR:mjswag:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What ever makes you sleep good at night.
Surah al baqarah helps me sleep at night masha Allah Alhamdulillah its soothing I feel like it cleanses my soul lord knows That his servant is a sinner:wow:

But I never lose faith cause I know he's oft-forgiving most merciful ALLAHU Akbar :rejoice:
What did you expect multiculturalism is a failed concept ??? It creates separate ghettos

This is nonsense. Ghettos exist because of economic and social segregation. The poor tend to congregate with the poor which only makes them poorer. Hence, the rise of the ghetto. The solution is economic opportunity for all those who are willing and able.
This is nonsense. Ghettos exist because of economic and social segregation. The poor tend to congregate with the poor which only makes them poorer. Hence, the rise of the ghetto. The solution is economic opportunity for all those who are willing and able.


What's stopping us to climb that social ladder? Here in Australia we had 20 years of consecutive economic growth and plenty of employment opportunities and yet, Somalis have the highest unemployment rates among all the other ethnic groups that arrived recently like the Burmese who were born and raised in refugee camps. Even more south Sudanese people are employed than Somalis. Laandheere baan ahay ee ma qabto shaqooyinka technical baay ku leeyihiin and instead will opt out being on sickness benefits. The next ghettoised Aussies will be Somalis. Lax waliba meesha ay is dhigto ayaa lagu gowracaa.


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A

Thanks for your contribution and I think the Saudis are just like us, Somalis. We despise terrorists in our country but as long as they fight "infidels" and leave us alone, we support them. The root of this evilish Islamic terror is the Saudi salafi aka Wahhabi doctrine. The majority of Somalis are salafis and like this cognitive guy, he will never support the authorities and inform them of a terrorist plot if it is known to him. He considers to have strayed out of Islam if he cooperates with "kufars" against a fellow Muslim. We fucked our country and brought nothing but trouble to those who welcomed us and offered us asylum from the brink of death, destruction, illiteracy and hunger. I'm starting to think that Donald trump was probably right in banning us to migrate to the U.S.
U don't need to thank me for my contribution, really, I'm happy to be finally able to speak my mind for once, and yes, I do feel like KSA did contribute to the creation of this mess that's going on today, with the rise of this fascist mis-interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence (also called الوهابية Wahhabism) that if u really studied the history of KSA and what it stands for, you'll find out that while they ARE following the dīn, they are also mixing in thier bedouin traditions and culture into it, turning Islam into a religion that NO PERSON man or woman can find peace in anymore. I do know that most somalis are salafist just like how most Saudis are, i just sometimes really really wish that more somalis would start using their brains and follow the Al-Maliki school of thought rather than become sheeple, follow whatever KSA does:bell:

What's stopping us to climb that social ladder? Here in Australia we had 20 years of consecutive economic growth and plenty of employment opportunities and yet, Somalis have the highest unemployment rates among all the other ethnic groups that arrived recently like the Burmese who were born and raised in refugee camps. Even more south Sudanese people are employed than Somalis. Laandheere baan ahay ee ma qabto shaqooyinka technical baay ku leeyihiin and instead will opt out being on sickness benefits. The next ghettoised Aussies will be Somalis. Lax waliba meesha ay is dhigto ayaa lagu gowracaa.

You don't need to impress upon me the failing of Somalis. As a people we are the consummate failures. There's a lot of press about the drought and the threat of mass starvation in Somalia lately. But what many don't know is even if good times, Somalia has the world highest infant malnutrition rates. Every year, thousands die from waterbourne diseases like Cholera. And all this is happening in 2017!

I think our failure in large part stems from our cultural roots. We hail from nomadic people who never valued the concept of settling down and then improving the settlement. When the current environment got inhospitable, our forefathers would simply back up their bags and tents and head for the next green pasture and waterhole. That mentality of always seeking greener pasture dominates our behaviour even to this very day. I've been in Canada for more than 20 years and in that time I've met scores of Somalis they'd go back to Somalia next year. All but very few ever went back to Somalia. Had those Somalis, instead, opted to build a BETTER Somalia is Canada, they would infinitely better off today.

Having said that, my point was to merely debunking the notion that people 'choose' to live in ghettos. We can't speculate the reasons people end up in ghettos but the unassailable fact is people live in ghettos due to their socio-economic status. If Somalis and other people were given a fair shot at success AND they commit to improving their lot, do you think many of them would live in ghettos?

I think not.

May God have mercy on your wretched soul!
You don't need to impress upon me the failing of Somalis. As a people we are the consummate failures. There's a lot of press about the drought and the threat of mass starvation in Somalia lately. But what many don't know is even if good times, Somalia has the world highest infant malnutrition rates. Every year, thousands die from waterbourne diseases like Cholera. And all this is happening in 2017!

I think our failure in large part stems from our cultural roots. We hail from nomadic people who never valued the concept of settling down and then improving the settlement. When the current environment got inhospitable, our forefathers would simply back up their bags and tents and head for the next green pasture and waterhole. That mentality of always seeking greener pasture dominates our behaviour even to this very day. I've been in Canada for more than 20 years and in that time I've met scores of Somalis they'd go back to Somalia next year. All but very few ever went back to Somalia. Had those Somalis, instead, opted to build a BETTER Somalia is Canada, they would infinitely better off today.

Having said that, my point was to merely debunking the notion that people 'choose' to live in ghettos. We can't speculate the reasons people end up in ghettos but the unassailable fact is people live in ghettos due to their socio-economic status. If Somalis and other people were given a fair shot at success AND they commit to improving their lot, do you think many of them would live in ghettos?

I think not.

May God have mercy on your wretched soul!


I do agree with your view that both culture and need are the reasons why most Somalis are found residing in ghettoised areas. There is also a third element, it is sheikh Ali lugoweyne, who spent money collected from the clan and invested in a shop aka mosque and is totally against losing congregation to the suburbs. He would bless the welfare as it is a source of his income via commission but brutally declare that anyone who applies and takes mortgage to have left the fold of Islam. While most non-Somali Muslims have moved away and bought homes with mortgages because their imams justified it on 'out of necessity'. Now, the Somali mother has turned her flat or her section 8 home into a modern place where she spent tens of thousands of dollars (that could cover the deposit for a house) on furniture. In her mind, this is her own home. Extras such as expensive cars was purchased and is to be exihibted at the car park for others to see. This kind of living in the ghetto has little to do with socio-economics. It is pure idiocy.
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