Levant Neolithic in West Africa?

Mandinka appear to be on the edge of the Sahel, and likely just absorbed the back migrating Eurasians in small numbers, Senegambian as a whole have that ancestry I believe. Its probably from Berber contact. Now actual neolithic farming began in both the Sahel which may or may not(likely was) have been influenced by the Eurasians, there was also apparently as it appears the second domestication in the rainforests of the southern region not to influenced by them.


The back migrations did bring back pastoralism, more rich material cultural groups and grain harvesting technology with scythes. Proto Nilo Saharans as we know were obviously hunter-gatherers until having adopted nomadism from Berbers/cushites for whatever the reason was(likely desertification of the rivers they relied on). The neanderthal DNA I believe is much older then the back migrations from the Neolithic, and the nomadic sahelian tribes also partially at least descend from this via Berber ancestry, the Fulani for example are basically what happened when Senegalese nomads learned pastoralism and intermixed with Tuaregs.

Feel free to correct me on this stuff, my knowledge of neolithic Africa isn't the best, would be better to have @Apollo or @The alchemist explain it better

