Leopard in Wanlaweyn

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cismaan maxamuud
how far is it from Mogadishu?
Wanlaweyn is a small town in the southeastern Lower Shebelle region of Somalia. Situated around 50 miles northwest of the capital Mogadishu, it is the center of the Wanlaweyn District.
Wasnt a copy paste job,dont get ideas :ufdup:
Leapords in Somalia are endangered smh.Unfortunently they don't even have stun guns to adequately protect our wild life.
This is an endangered species. Somalis need to move put 0f these countryside tuulos and give the land and animals some breathing space.


Leapords in Somalia are endangered smh.Unfortunently they don't even have stun guns to adequately protect our wild life.

You can buy them from Kenya and re-introduce them later on once there is a solid government and economic prosperity.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
You can buy them from Kenya and re-introduce them later on once there is a solid government and economic prosperity.
U dont have to buy them kkkkk
They will just come

Just like this Leopard

South Somalia is suited for wild life.
Lots of Lion attacks reported in Jubbooyinka and Gedo.

Hopefuly Alshabab Saga is over and real peace returns.


U dont have to buy them kkkkk
They will just come

Just like this Leopard

South Somalia is suited for wild life.
Lots of Lion attacks reported in Jubbooyinka and Gedo.

Hopefuly Alshabab Saga is over and real peace returns.

You need genetic diversity in those animals. Otherwise they will be inbred and die off again. I hear that's a big issue with cheetah's.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Wanlaweyn is famous for one thing which was a rigged election. Wanlaweyn had more votes than the entire waqooyi galbeed :damedamn: . Mind you waqooyi back then was only waqooyi galbeed and togdheer, before afweyne carved sool sanaag & awdal out of them to try and eliminate isaaq dominance :heh:


All I know about that place is that my mother was born there. Apparentely it used to have the most stray dogs in the country.


U dont have to buy them kkkkk
They will just come

Just like this Leopard

South Somalia is suited for wild life.
Lots of Lion attacks reported in Jubbooyinka and Gedo.

Hopefuly Alshabab Saga is over and real peace returns.
There used to be loads of elephants and lions in northern Somalia. But they hunted down mainly by the British.
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