Legit question need advice (website creation)

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I need advice on creating a website and how much it will cost to hire someone to create it. My friend long story short advised me to make a kids game website and i didn't listen to him. Four years later i noticed that his website is doing extremely well and he is earning a decent amount. I being the eager entrepreneur always like to think outside the box and have an idea of my own but lack the expertise in website creation.

Please help a geeljire in need!! My bro is studying computer science but i can't ask him at the moment. Anyway my youtube endevour is growing at a steady rate and now i would like to experiment elsewhere. Wish me luck and lend me some advice if you can. I cn't ask on reddit since i don't have necessary credit of some crap like that!
I need advice on creating a website and how much it will cost to hire someone to create it. My friend long story short advised me to make a kids game website and i didn't listen to him. Four years later i noticed that his website is doing extremely well and he is earning a decent amount. I being the eager entrepreneur always like to think outside the box and have an idea of my own but lack the expertise in website creation.

Please help a geeljire in need!! My bro is studying computer science but i can't ask him at the moment. Anyway my youtube endevour is growing at a steady rate and now i would like to experiment elsewhere. Wish me luck and lend me some advice if you can. I cn't ask on reddit since i don't have necessary credit of some crap like that!

Stick to one thing what ever it is, once you get good at it then look for something else,
by the way it's better for you to learn how to create a website rather then hire someone
which will cost you into the hundreds if not thousands of dollars depending on what kind of website
you want, and that's the easy part next you need to also learn how to market which is time consuming and takes a long time, anyway check out this site for cheap courses and get cracking good luck by the way. >> https://www.udemy.com/
nah son phone apps are the new wave you'll make 6 figures easily if you have a good game
I'm making a website to advertise my gaming apps whilst making ad revenue. Come on keep up brothers. I just need advice on how to make a website.

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