Leaving Islam?

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I hope you decided to leave Islam. Update us, it has been hours with plenty of advise from well wishers. Don't tell me you are undecided.
I'm really failing to grasp why you are so obsessed with me. My choices in life do not directly or indirectly impact you in any way, shape, or form. You really need to check on your own sanity before you worry about other people's lives because I promise you it's slowly leaving you.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You're officially a troll. :drakekidding:

The fact that you seriously believe atheists has a set of doctrines and that evolution entails half ape and half man, is evidence if your stupidity.

Go to bed warya! That's enough stupidity for one day.

I hear you atheists have muxaadaro sessions where you curse the heavens. Then you say amiin over a grace depicting the abrahamic religions as demonic. I also heard there's a secret handshake of sorts.

Confirm or deny, sxb. :reallymaury:
I'm really failing to grasp why you are so obsessed with me. My choices in life do not directly or indirectly impact you in any way, shape, or form. You really need to check on your own sanity before you worry about other people's lives because I promise you it's slowly leaving you.

You made the effort to post a thread asking for people's input and expressed a desire to leave Islam. You have my genuine blessings to exit without looking back. For you to object to my input because somehow I am the one who communicated that to you without your request is silly. You asked for public input, you got one, kiss it and run with it.

Besides, it takes more than an eye showing for a man to be obsessed with a woman. I won't shoot down your worth in looks without seeing you completely dear, but just saying, one eye doesn't cut it for me.


Pepe Trump
I hear you atheists have muxaadaro sessions where you curse the heavens. Then you say amiin over a grace depicting the abrahamic religions as demonic. I also heard there's a secret handshake of sorts.

Confirm or deny, sxb. :reallymaury:


How comes all of these Atheist have the similar bios? It's obvious they are the same account. Probably the s account.

Your bio says: "The All Seeing Eye|Proud SJWlander"

@Opone's bio says: "Athiest | Stoner | Code monkey | Lover of Ethiopia"

This is far too obvious.

right, and people don't sign up and immediately make taglines under their name. I still haven't after several months. these missionaries are so transparent.
You made the effort to post a thread asking for people's input and expressed a desire to leave Islam. You have my genuine blessings to exit without looking back. For you to object to my input because somehow I am the one who communicated that to you without your request is silly. You asked for public input, you got one, kiss it and run with it.

Besides, it takes more than an eye showing for a man to be obsessed with a woman. I won't shoot down your worth in looks without seeing you completely dear, but just saying, one eye doesn't cut it for me.
Miskiin I didn't realize how truly mentally ill you are. There's many different types of treatment available to cure narcissistic personality disorder so you can lead a normal life. I don't in any point in time remember asking for your personal "sound judgement" sir. My looks are not up for debate and I can do without the condescending remarks "dear".
I hear you atheists have muxaadaro sessions where you curse the heavens. Then you say amiin over a grace depicting the abrahamic religions as demonic. I also heard there's a secret handshake of sorts.

Confirm or deny, sxb. :reallymaury:

If you don't worship God, you worship a replacement of him. That can be Satan to self; in cosmos's case, he worships all plus Darwin since he advocates his teachings with no reservations and gets emotional when people point out how the man was wrong.
Miskiin I didn't realize how truly mentally ill you are. There's many different types of treatment available to cure narcissistic personality disorder so you can lead a normal life. I don't in any point in time remember asking for your personal "sound judgement" sir. My looks are not up for debate and I can do without the condescending remarks "dear".

But I didn't insult your looks dear, I said I am not judging until I see more. One eye doesn't cut it :) And conversing with mentally ill person can drive you insane too, so save yourself and declare objective achieved and be quite.

Don't address someone crazy even though sometimes insane people may have some wisdom to share.
right, and people don't sign up and immediately make taglines under their name. I still haven't after several months. these missionaries are so transparent.
I'm sorry the shoddy education system has failed you so much. Assata Shakur is not my personal name but rather a civil rights icon who is part of the black panther party and has been exiled to Cuba. She was also Tupac's step aunt and godmother. I fear you sound very uneducated but that can be remedied please go educate yourself especially during black history month.

You are very resourceful bro, I would never have bothered nor able to trace the one eye she had on. Xaasidkaa tahay wase, now the girl may not bother to write.

It would have been better if we both continued in my assumption that was hers.:russ:
Missionaries :russ:

they're famous for doing that.They pretend to be ex-Muslims to cause Muslims to doubt, It's even in the Quran

And a faction of the People of the Book say [to each other], "Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will abandon their religion"


Pepe Trump
they're famous for doing that.They pretend to be ex-Muslims to cause Muslims to doubt, It's even in the Quran

And a faction of the People of the Book say [to each other], "Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will abandon their religion"

We pretend to be ex Muslims? :ohreally:

So... we were never Muslims yeah? No true Scotsman fallacy?
they're famous for doing that.They pretend to be ex-Muslims to cause Muslims to doubt, It's even in the Quran

And a faction of the People of the Book say [to each other], "Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will abandon their religion"

The same credibility these folks in the verse wanted to have with muslims back then is the same credibility today's atheists are looking for so others can listen to what they say. Apparently, some attitudes and guiles never change. Same old.

Cosmos and others like him on here make the claim any time they are debating to get some legitimacy for their argument. Few of them invested time in studying the religion they inherited from their parents.

Nice quote :nvjpqts:
This guy @Burhan is such a hateful, insecure individual :mjlol: like how are you, as a grown man, gonna throw tantrums when irreligious ppl state they're opinion of religion lmaooo

La xawla I'd be concerned if I met you in real life, you sound unhinged
This guy @Burhan is such a hateful, insecure individual :mjlol: like how are you, as a grown man, gonna throw tantrums when irreligious ppl state they're opinion of religion lmaooo

La xawla I'd be concerned if I met you in real life, you sound unhinged

Yet, here you are talking to me for validation. Thanks for the funny rating :)
This guy @Burhan is such a hateful, insecure individual :mjlol: like how are you, as a grown man, gonna throw tantrums when irreligious ppl state they're opinion of religion lmaooo

La xawla I'd be concerned if I met you in real life, you sound unhinged
Sounds like he's one breakdown away from isis or a mental penitentiary.
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