Lawmaker Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adam is a Presidential Candidate


East Africa UNUKA LEH
the Sheikhs wont' allow this for “islamic” reasons. they are already have problem with Female quotas in the parliament.
I think you should quote the islamic part, ain’t nothing islamic about somali sheikhs, lawmakers or the government.


Minister of Propaganda
You have got the argument backwards. People like Fowziya are turncoats because they ran off to Somalia the moment they failed in Somaliland politics. That is the case for 90%+ of those who claim to represent Somalia. The moment the dollars stop flowing into their coffers down south, they'll run north again and ask for forgiveness from reer Somaliland. That is why they are turncoats without any integrity.
Somaliland cannot remotely be considered to be a turncoat by any objective individual, other than someone just petulantly looking to play a poor game of whataboutism. Somaliland voluntarily united with Somalia and then voluntarily chose to disengage from the union when Somalia fell apart. None of its decisions were ever about anything other than achieving what's best for its people and Somalis in general. In both instances it acted with ultimate integrity. Somalia and the International Community have chosen not to recognize that reclamation of Somaliland's independence, but neither would ever argue Somaliland is a "turncoat".

Somalia actually agreed with Somaliland's stance on the sovereignty question here. In both of the last negotiation meetings, Istanbul & London, no-one originally from Somaliland was allowed to represent Somalia in the negotiations.

I hate say it but I think the above proves that your knowledge of reer Somaliland is practically non-existent. No-one in Somaliland would ever think that a traitor from amongst them becoming President of Somalia, would increase Somalia's legitimacy.
These turncoats and traitors are the same people who have stabbed Somaliland in the back time and time again. They have sided with a regime protecting the genocidal murders that committed atrocities to their people. These are the same people who voted against the Berbera port expansion and who have consistently supported the withholding of international funds designated for Somaliland. I could go on, but I think the point is clear.
Yet you somehow think reer Somaliland would just forget all that and get all giddy about a Presidency they don't give two shits about?

Let's agree to disagree here.

I personally feel like the people back home have less animosity between themselves as we in the diaspora have between one another. The vast majority of politicians back home are reer diaspora and they bring back their unresolved qabiil issues with them.

From my time back home, I noticed that no-one in these seperate maamul goboleeds care about which flag they are under apart from their safety, food security and living. That is why I have the belief that someone from SL as president might make the average SL citizen feel represented.

Regardless, the point is moot as I do not think she has a realistic chance of presidency anyways.

Laakin, for all I know you could be right.

Afro Asiatic

You have got the argument backwards. People like Fowziya are turncoats because they ran off to Somalia the moment they failed in Somaliland politics. That is the case for 90%+ of those who claim to represent Somalia. The moment the dollars stop flowing into their coffers down south, they'll run north again and ask for forgiveness from reer Somaliland. That is why they are turncoats without any integrity.
Somaliland cannot remotely be considered to be a turncoat by any objective individual, other than someone just petulantly looking to play a poor game of whataboutism. Somaliland voluntarily united with Somalia and then voluntarily chose to disengage from the union when Somalia fell apart. None of its decisions were ever about anything other than achieving what's best for its people and Somalis in general. In both instances it acted with ultimate integrity. Somalia and the International Community have chosen not to recognize that reclamation of Somaliland's independence, but neither would ever argue Somaliland is a "turncoat".

Somalia actually agreed with Somaliland's stance on the sovereignty question here. In both of the last negotiation meetings, Istanbul & London, no-one originally from Somaliland was allowed to represent Somalia in the negotiations.

I hate say it but I think the above proves that your knowledge of reer Somaliland is practically non-existent. No-one in Somaliland would ever think that a traitor from amongst them becoming President of Somalia, would increase Somalia's legitimacy.
These turncoats and traitors are the same people who have stabbed Somaliland in the back time and time again. They have sided with a regime protecting the genocidal murders that committed atrocities to their people. These are the same people who voted against the Berbera port expansion and who have consistently supported the withholding of international funds designated for Somaliland. I could go on, but I think the point is clear.
Yet you somehow think reer Somaliland would just forget all that and get all giddy about a Presidency they don't give two shits about?

Sitting here typing essays..gtfoh with that nonsense. North and south are both shitholes.


Idk tbh Sharia clearly isn’t a thing in mom watches videos of full on niqabis twerking at parties and grinding on men in Somalia...I feel like the whole religion thing is a front at this point
That's madowweyne culture. Idk why people on this forum force themselves to believe fobs are irreligious and do what they like
Like I said I’m Isaxaaq she is Musa Abdalle, a small branch of HY. If she was Isaxaq she’d have better chance
I've got to give to you, that cracked me up.

Terrible attempt to save face, but it was funny. Like Somalis in Somalia give a shit about what branch of HY somebody is.

Now you've made us laugh, it's time to come out of the closet and stop this terrible charade.
I've got to give to you, that cracked me up.

Terrible attempt to save face, but it was funny. Like Somalis in Somalia give a shit about what branch of HY somebody is.

Now you've made us laugh, it's time to come out of the closet and stop this terrible charade.
There are a lot of sheegato, but this guy is definitely one of y'all.