Landers come in...Mo Farah related

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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Reer djbouti xaal qaad:icon lol:. Mudane Mohamed Faarax heer sare ayuu gaadhay magaca, karaamada iyo sharafda umada somaaliyeed kor buqaadeya. Somalidu qurbaha kunool xaaladoodu waa wax aan lagasheekayn karin, sida daradeed wa inaan ixtiraamno iyo sacabayno successkiisa iyo kuwi lamid ah(MP Ahmed Hussain, Ilhan omar..iwm).


Death Awaits You
he supports his mom in gabiley. they're real geeljires, don't want flashy things lmao
what about his sister
he supports his mom in gabiley. they're real geeljires, don't want flashy things lmao
does his mother live in a masion in gabiley ?
and what about his sister


you think that neanderthal hag deserves a luxurious lifestyle while his sister is dirt poor, living in the country side
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This is the most disgusting demeaning shameless utter humiliation, if people only knew what that kneeling and that sword over your shoulder symbolises.

His forefathers fought these very people he sold his soul to, at least you can excuse him because there is clear motives for him doing what he did and making the choices that he has made, although they are pathetic and worldly in nature.

The real idiots however are those pathetic coons in support of this shameless act who get nothing out of it other being the ultimate dhabodilifo, abahina w***, prideless people like these make me puke!
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