Land grabs in Hargeisa by Bixi

Hundreds of angry people gathered in the Laynka Bilayska neighborhood in the centre of Hargeisa who said that the government sold the land where their homes are located.


People said that the government of Bixi sold this land to four businessmen which is settled mostly inhabited by poor families and mostly police.

One of the protesters said: "We have lived here for 30 years. I am an orphan. I lost my father. My brother has just been injured, to be told that we have to move today by force is not something we expected"

President Bixi's government has recently been accused of selling swathes of public land.


Internet Nomad

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That is the case all over the world the rich and the powerful subjugating the weak.
Muuse Biixi opens fire on people whose homes he sold to his rich friends.

Failed state
To be frank with you and @Arkan an this is public property and the state has the right to sell it off to anyone ofc I don't condone the govts decision but the ones living there had a lot of time to prepare themselves to leave or challenge the sale of the land which is has been going on for almost 3 years now.

