Ladies, is a bidaar a total turn off?

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A bidaar is fine as long as you accompany it with a big beard and big shoulders. That takes the focus off the bidaar big time :denzelnigga:
If you're a Somali, you might as well get a bidaar and go bald since forehead is too apparent for a hairline. :hehehe:

Although even though I'm rocking with a beard, getting into America with it will be quite tricky. I can't afford to get stopped as a young man coming from Africa. :deadosama:

War ii duceeya in aan TSA ilahi iga fogeeyo. :xgoltwn:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
My dad is in his 50s and has a full head of hair. He looks like Arsene Wenger kind of.

So far I've been lucky and I hope to still have full set of hair well into my 40s and 50s. :damedamn:
i still got baby hair. So i doubt i will get a bidar in the future. Even if my hair line goes back when i age. It wont be noticible and it wont make a great difference.
Worse case scenario if i get a lebron james hairline i will still be able to cover it with hair. :mjswag:
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What will People do if they get a hairline like Gervinho`?


:ohdamn: :russ:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Same here i dont mind women with bidaar as long as they cover their head or buy a wig!
Is that Sarcasm I detect lol I don't know why you guys make it like it's the end of the world when your hairline moved back.

Chill out guys there are women out there who are attract to guys with bidaar.
Just make sure you shave it all off.
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Bidaar becomes a nonissue after a certain age (I'd say post 25-30). Nearly 6 out of 10 guys will be affected and it is very common anyway.

It is caused by testosterone attacking your hair.
Is that Sarcasm I detect lol I don't know why you guys make it like it's the end of the world when your hairline moved back.

Chill out guys there are women out there who are attract to guys with bidaar.
Just make sure you shave it all off.

No sarcasmlol. i have no prob with bidar. i was just agreeing with you we can safely say that it apply to women as well.

You need to Chill out ,there are guys out there who are attracted to women with bidaar.
Just make sure you cover it with a wig.
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