Kudos to Djibouti for actually testing people


Not more than Kenya but more than Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia combined and 9th most per capita on earth.

The amount of cases is worrisome tho
Not more than Kenya but more than Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia combined and 9th most per capita on earth.

The amount of cases is worrisome tho
according to https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

Kenya has only tested barely 10k people while Djibouti 6k, population-wise they have tested more.

Djibouti is international and im guessing because of the military bases and the different foreign ships coming in it will amount to a high number of cases.

Djibouti is testing more than Ethiopia and Kenya, well done to them.
How will testing help you will it cure the condition?
No, so testing doesn't mean mean vaccination.
So you queue in the clinic providing the test and you happen to be negative when going to the clinic thinking you are positive and you mingle with someone who has corona and is going for the testing.You leave the clinic having contracted Corona.

So I would advice people to stay at home and self Isolate if they think they might have Corona.Maybe its hargab only.

