Known knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns, | In Somali language

Biniaadanku waa 4

  1. nin garanaya oo garanaya inuu garanayo.
  2. nin garanaya oo aan garanayn inuu garanayo.
  3. nin aan garanayn oo garanaya in aanu garanayn.
  4. nin aan garanayn oo aan garanaynba.

Brilliant. This is the Johari window theory, very popular with fresh West Point cadets, first year Engineering students, and is taught to mint MBA hopefuls with respect to the 'blindspot' phenomenon, as made famous by Nassim Talib in his 'The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable'. Very effective tool along with the Popperian falsification principle in corridors of power of Corporate America.



