Kkkk. Somali men and women partying in the 90’s (before the Salafi movements came and ruined it all).

I think you are projecting your feelings and your dislike of islamic practices onto somali communitys supposed integration or emotional status. I actually think we somalis became more religious and resilient following the civil war we became happier and closer to the deen as a result of that so thats a positive. True happiness comes from following our creator. Thank you @Homerlilian for this absolute 💎.


May Allah reward you and may Allah reward me and the Ustadh Abdul Rahman Hassan


Coping through the 1st world
What does Salafism have to do with this, they grew up and became parents laxyahow.
Salafism have became a problem with the Muslims diasporas especially in the UK post 9/11. They have an extreme school of thoughts. majority Muslims that learned from the Salafi schools tend struggle to integrate in the UK.

If you look into Anjem Choudary and the early 2000 you’d know how he perpetuated Islamophobia and the radial views in the UK.

Some Somalis that subscribed to these teachings have gotten radical and anti west. Some.

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
I think you are projecting your feelings and your dislike of islamic practices onto somali communitys supposed integration or emotional status. I actually think we somalis became more religious and resilient following the civil war we became happier and closer to the deen as a result of that so thats a positive. True happiness comes from following our creator. Thank you @Homerlilian for this absolute 💎.
the biggest blessing of the civil war was that it guided a lot of somalis back to the haqq

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
@DojaKhat Why the downvote? i’m not celebrating massacre or bloodshed. The only positive i see from it was a lot of somalis coming back to the deen stronger then before the civil war


Coping through the 1st world
the biggest blessing of the civil war was that it guided a lot of somalis back to the haqq

I have to disagree with your post saxib but if anything this made us more segregative and less open minded from our progressive world. Somalis pre-civil war were open minded and were fond of innovated ideas. Siad Barre funded for his country for educations for his citizens. Ever since post civil war we became more illiterate and less open minded to progress as a society. Thanks to Wahhabism and extreme radical religious views which under minded out intellect.
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is this coming back to the deen?


Theres no proof that more people pray salah today, more people have justice, integrity and honesty, that oppression and subjugation of the weak has decreased. And today just as many if not more people are partying, bashaaling, committing zina and drinking alcohol as before the civil war. Khaat was banned before but now many more people are addicted to this drug, and it's normalised by society.

Just because women wear niqab to protect their bleached faces or to be anonymous doesnt mean you can make statements like "somalia is more religious".


Coping through the 1st world
@Keep it a boqol

As a non Muslim I know my critique of Islam don’t hold weights compare to other users that are Muslim. After all a non Muslim critiquing Islam means they’ll give bad review right?. But that’s not the case with me. I’m open and respectful. I like to debate about it and absorb about it. The phenomena of the extreme views of Islam in Somalia needs to be talked about. Somalia have always been a Muslim country which is true. But what’s not being addressed is the extreme radical views that have shaped our country and its politics.

The talking points that you’ve used from your original post “it guided a lot of somalis back to the haqq” is the same talking points Al-shabab uses when they stated “The reason why Somalis are suffering through this humiliation of famine and poverty is because Somalis weren’t as religious in the times of Siad governments.”

I realised Somalis were moderately religious as a nation in the 1960’s-1990’s. They weren’t seriously practicing their faith and it weren’t a big deal to some people. You’d see from the pictures how Somali women were wearing clothes doesn’t have to forcibly cover their faces. Like as if we’re Afghanistans. Somalis priorities have always been helping its nation and making them progress internationally and intellectually.
This theocratic obsession have made us flee from our country and ironically we’ve stationed in a non Muslims territory.
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@Keep it a boqol

As a non Muslim I know my critique of Islam don’t hold weights compare to other users that are Muslim. After all a non Muslim critiquing Islam means they’ll give bad review right?. But that’s not the case with me. I’m open and respectful. I like to debate about it and absorb about it. The phenomena of the extreme views of Islam in Somalia needs to be talked about. Somalia have always been a Muslim country which is true. But what’s not being addressed is the extreme radical views that have shaped our country and its politics.

The talking points that you’ve used from your original post “it guided a lot of somalis back to the haqq” is the same talking points Al-shabab uses when they stated “The reason why Somalis are suffering through this humiliation of famine and poverty is because Somalis weren’t as religious in the times of Siad governments.”

I realised Somalis were moderately religious as a nation in the 1960’s-1990’s. They weren’t seriously practicing their and it weren’t a big deal. Somalis priorities have always been helping its nation and making them progress internationally and intellectually.
This theocratic obsession have made us flee from our country and ironically we’ve stationed in a non Muslims territory.

This is a dishonest take though there were no theocratic factions involved in Somalia's breakdown foreign influence of this kind came afterwards in the absence of any government to confront it.


Coping through the 1st world
This is a dishonest take though there were no theocratic factions involved in Somalia's breakdown foreign influence of this kind came afterwards in the absence of any government to confront it.

I didn’t say that. I said Ironically Somalis that have this theocratic obsessions have the nerve to flee into a country that are more secular.
But this is due to economical reasons. but with out secularism most Somalis wouldn’t have stayed in the west. They’d would’ve been settling somewhere else. Thankfully the countries they’ve settled isn’t like China. China is an atheist country and they have history in oppressing Muslims.

This is a point for secularism. :ohhhdamn::salute:


Forza Somalia!
Hate to break it down but our parents in the 90s did not partake in this. Ciyaalsuuqs and ciyaalsuuqads existed back then but I wager 90% of the people in this vid are normal adeers and habaryars who are God fearing folks.
I don't think majority of London Somalis were this type (partying)


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
@DojaKhat Why the downvote? i’m not celebrating massacre or bloodshed. The only positive i see from it was a lot of somalis coming back to the deen stronger then before the civil war
People during hard times remember their creator and forget him when he blesses them with good days.

