Kenyan Gaal forces handshake with a Somali woman


Entitled uppity East African
The fact that we have our own word for Ugali, which is soor means that it is incredibly common amongst Somalis. You might not eat it, but many Somalis do and it’s part of our cuisine.
It’s not like ugali anyways it’s built different
Exactly and as Somalis we should learn to not judge ethnicities based on the behavior of a few delinquents. I’d hate for us Somalis to be judged the low class people who are crime ridden we have amongst us. Let’s be consistent. It’s not everyday make enemies of different groups.

You make an excellent point, but Angie why then do many of you Somali women, collectively judged us for the sins of the low life scums and the selfish odayaal.

When we are nothing alike?
You make an excellent point, but Angie why then do many of you Somali women, collectively judged us for the sins of the low life scums and the selfish odayaal.

When we are nothing alike?
Because the selfish actions of odayal is sanctioned on a cultural level and is incredibly common. I judge Abdis on here who seem to think it’s funny or that those odeys are correct for their behavior and many on here have expressed sentiments of that nature.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The man is reportedly the speaker of Nairobi county, you can tell power has made him arrogant. He needs to be humbled.


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