Kanye met his match


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Nike just dropped him too. And actually that is what he wanted. Nike took their time t drop him, until he demanded on camera to drop him. For some reason - his brand makes them money


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

they control everything from the media to the food you eat if only if they didn't sabotage Saddam Hussin nuclear program :birdman:


Cherry red Ferrari for free!
The man has money, why can't he be silent and enjoy his life?

He isn't mentally alright, and that divorce broke him, but this is not an excuse. It makes zero sense why he'd peddle shit that doesn't concern him. He's confused about his identity and has been slowing transitioning into a male version of Candance Owens. What a doqon qasaaro badan.
Proves everything about them, they’re the only people free from criticism. Either way, This actually would hurt Adidas more than him since they stand to lose 200 Million even though they’re struggling now

“Wanna know who rules you find out the ones you can’t criticize“-
Intresting when he went on his “slavery was a choice”tirade all these “pro black” companies didn’t blink an eye.

All he said was that Jews gate keep and disproportionately over represent in business , fashion and music, industries he’s been trying to break into for years.

Im not saying there is an evil group of Jews trying to take over the world, but Jews are quick to use the anti semitism card when they are under any Scunity and criticism to protect their best interests. Remeber calling out Israeli war crimes? Any criticism of the Israel government and you are labeled an anti semite.
Intresting when he went on his “slavery was a choice”tirade all these “pro black” companies didn’t blink an eye.

All he said was that Jews gate keep and disproportionately over represent in business , fashion and music, industries he’s been trying to break into for years.

Im not saying there is an evil group of Jews trying to take over the world, but Jews are quick to use the anti semitism card when they are under any Scunity and criticism to protect their best interests. Remeber calling out Israeli war crimes? Any criticism of the Israel government and you are labeled an anti semite.
Madow people don't have power like that and even if they did, people were defending him when he said that

