Just Focus on Aqida? Why Muslims Cannot Ignore Politics


The secular liberal says to religious people: ignore politics, just focus on worship, teaching your religion, and learning about your religion.

But what if the government restricts worship, teaching, and learning about your religion, all in the name of fighting “radicalism” (i.e., traditional Islamic beliefs and practices)?

For instance, what if the government limits the number of mosques, or limits their hours of operation, or shuts down mosques associated with traditional Muslim groups?

What if the government limits what topics can be preached about in mosques, what ideas can be transmitted on the internet, and what texts can be read in Islamic schools?

What if the government surveils, harasses, discriminates against, and imprisons “radicals” – and then defines “radicals” to include individuals who frequently pray in the mosque, frequently fast or read Quran, wear a beard, or wear a veil?

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These exact policies are employed by the liberals who govern Western countries (e.g., France, Germany) as well as the liberals who govern many Muslim majority countries.

Religion is not reducible to politics, and the most important elements of religion (e.g., iman, taqwa, salah, siyam, zakah, hajj) are not directly related to politics. Nevertheless, many political systems (e.g., liberalism, communism, Hindutva, Zionism) restrict or repress all elements of the Islamic religion, including worship, religious teaching, and religious learning.

This is why all Muslims who wish to worship, teach, and learn cannot be neutral in political matters. It is only by ensuring a proper government that Muslims will be able to worship, teach, and learn. This is why it is absurd to state: ignore politics, just focus on teaching and learning religion.

In the bizarre world in which we live, a Muslim who disagrees with political policies that repress Islamic worship, teaching, and learning, is labelled an “Islamist radical” – who is “only concerned politics,” and who likely wants to engage in “terrorism.” Shockingly, it is even self-identified “Muslims” who will make this criticism.

RELATED: The Logical Necessity of the Caliphate


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
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In the bizarre world in which we live, a Muslim who disagrees with political policies that repress Islamic worship, teaching, and learning, is labelled an “Islamist radical” – who is “only concerned politics,”

Haqiqatjou really is that person though where he is overly focused on politics from what seems to be the case. You never really see him talking about things like aqeedah.

"Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

During that turmoil there were some people who brought up the issue which is called fiqh al-waaqi‘. I do not disagree in principle with this concept for which they came up with this name of fiqh al-waaqi‘, because many of the scholars stated clearly that those who lead the ummah and give answers to solve its problems should have knowledge and understanding of circumstances and realities. Hence one of their famous sayings is: The ruling on a thing is a projection of one’s understanding of it, and that cannot be achieved except by understanding the circumstances surrounding the issue for which they have to give an answer. This is one of the bases of giving rulings and fatwas in particular, and is one of the principles of knowledge in general. So fiqh al-waaqi‘ means understanding what concerns the Muslims with regard to their own affairs or the plots of their enemies, so as to warn them or help them to progress in a real sense and not just in theory when focusing on news of the kuffaar or focusing totally on their analysis and ideas. Understanding reality in order to reach the shar‘i ruling is an important duty that a specialised and smart group of seekers of knowledge have to do. This is just like any other branch of knowledge, whether it has to do with sharee‘ah, social sciences, economics, military matters or any other branch of knowledge that is of benefit the Muslim ummah and will bring it back to its position of glory and leadership, especially when these branches of knowledge are developing from one time and place to another.

But we have heard and seen that many young Muslims are confused with regard to this type of knowledge that we referred to above by the name of fiqh al-waaqi‘. They have, unfortunately, divided into two groups; some went to extremes with regard to this matter and others fell short. Now you can see and hear -- from those who exaggerate about the importance of fiqh al-waaqi‘ and raise it above its rightful level -- that they want every scholar of sharee‘ah to be knowledgeable about what they call fiqh al-waaqi‘, and the opposite is also applicable to them. They give the impression to those who listen to and support them that anyone who has knowledge of what is happening in the Muslim world has good understanding of the Qur’aan and Sunnah and is following the path of the righteous Salaf! But that is not necessarily the case, as is quite obvious. We cannot imagine the existence of a man who is perfect in all senses, i.e., one who could have knowledge of all the branches of knowledge referred to and discussed above.

So what is required is for those who have devoted themselves to knowing the reality of the Muslim ummah and the plots that are made against it is for them to cooperate with the scholars of Qur’aan and Sunnah, according to the way of the early generations of this ummah, so that the former may present their understanding and ideas and the latter may issue the Islamic ruling on them, based on sound evidence and proof. As for the one who speaks of fiqh al-waaqi‘ being regarded in the minds of his listeners as a scholar or mufti for no other reason than that he is speaking to them on the basis of this “fiqh”, this cannot be correct in any way, because his words may be used as a reason to reject the fatwas of the scholars and their views and rulings.

Su’aal wa Jawaab hawla Fiqh al-Waaqi‘, p. 14-16"

Haqiqatjou really is that person though where he is overly focused on politics from what seems to be the case. You never really see him talking about things like aqeedah.

"Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

During that turmoil there were some people who brought up the issue which is called fiqh al-waaqi‘. I do not disagree in principle with this concept for which they came up with this name of fiqh al-waaqi‘, because many of the scholars stated clearly that those who lead the ummah and give answers to solve its problems should have knowledge and understanding of circumstances and realities. Hence one of their famous sayings is: The ruling on a thing is a projection of one’s understanding of it, and that cannot be achieved except by understanding the circumstances surrounding the issue for which they have to give an answer. This is one of the bases of giving rulings and fatwas in particular, and is one of the principles of knowledge in general. So fiqh al-waaqi‘ means understanding what concerns the Muslims with regard to their own affairs or the plots of their enemies, so as to warn them or help them to progress in a real sense and not just in theory when focusing on news of the kuffaar or focusing totally on their analysis and ideas. Understanding reality in order to reach the shar‘i ruling is an important duty that a specialised and smart group of seekers of knowledge have to do. This is just like any other branch of knowledge, whether it has to do with sharee‘ah, social sciences, economics, military matters or any other branch of knowledge that is of benefit the Muslim ummah and will bring it back to its position of glory and leadership, especially when these branches of knowledge are developing from one time and place to another.

But we have heard and seen that many young Muslims are confused with regard to this type of knowledge that we referred to above by the name of fiqh al-waaqi‘. They have, unfortunately, divided into two groups; some went to extremes with regard to this matter and others fell short. Now you can see and hear -- from those who exaggerate about the importance of fiqh al-waaqi‘ and raise it above its rightful level -- that they want every scholar of sharee‘ah to be knowledgeable about what they call fiqh al-waaqi‘, and the opposite is also applicable to them. They give the impression to those who listen to and support them that anyone who has knowledge of what is happening in the Muslim world has good understanding of the Qur’aan and Sunnah and is following the path of the righteous Salaf! But that is not necessarily the case, as is quite obvious. We cannot imagine the existence of a man who is perfect in all senses, i.e., one who could have knowledge of all the branches of knowledge referred to and discussed above.

So what is required is for those who have devoted themselves to knowing the reality of the Muslim ummah and the plots that are made against it is for them to cooperate with the scholars of Qur’aan and Sunnah, according to the way of the early generations of this ummah, so that the former may present their understanding and ideas and the latter may issue the Islamic ruling on them, based on sound evidence and proof. As for the one who speaks of fiqh al-waaqi‘ being regarded in the minds of his listeners as a scholar or mufti for no other reason than that he is speaking to them on the basis of this “fiqh”, this cannot be correct in any way, because his words may be used as a reason to reject the fatwas of the scholars and their views and rulings.

Su’aal wa Jawaab hawla Fiqh al-Waaqi‘, p. 14-16"

He speaks about politics because it affects Muslims. In what world is politics separate from the reality we live in? This is the entire point of the post.

It only bothers Liberals and Madkhalis as they are both trying to protect "rulers" and systems trying to implement liberalism.

Most regular Muslims are grateful that is why it is one of the most popular Muslim websites.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
He speaks about politics because it affects Muslims. In what world is politics separate from the reality we live in? This is the entire point of the post.

It only bothers Liberals and Madkhalis as they are both trying to protect "rulers" and systems trying to implement liberalism.

Most regular Muslims are grateful that is why it is one of the most popular Muslim websites.

I don't care what the masses think. And I certainly don't want them armed and running around engaged in violence, which is basically what revolution is.

Revolution = rapes, murders, massacres, massive destruction of property, destruction of economy and of the nation in general.

If you're so serious about the revolution thing, go to Syria or whatever. I genuinely want to live under the sharia and don't plan on staying in the West but the keyboard revolutionaries don't genuinely want for themselves to live under the conditions they promote for others.

The masses need guidance. It is crazy and irresponsible to rile them up and hand them weapons so they can go wreck the nation.

What you call "Madkhali"ism is actually just traditional Islam. The early Muslims weren't a bunch of Marxists.

Even this thing of attacking those of us who just want to follow normal, traditional Islam and aren't interested in following this revolutionary thing- this is straight out of the Marxist playbook. Haqiqatjou calls us "bootlickers". The term Che Guevara used was "gusanos" (worms). It's the same basic thing.

Another thing is if you Haqiqatjou types think it's about "rulers," this is just more evidence that these types need to stop stirring things up. No, it isn't that I'm protecting the rulers. It isn't about the rulers.

Almost all the "rulers" are puppets. Behind them are Jews and freemasons.

Even if you managed to wreck another Muslim country like people of your mindset wrecked Libya (with help from the very not-madkhali NATO), Syria and Yemen... ok... you've wrecked another Muslim country, masses of Muslim women have been raped, Muslims are starving, people are fleeing the country, the economy is wrecked.... but let's say you managed to get rid of the ruler... so what???? what has this actually accomplished? Al-Shabaab certainly aren't "madkhalis"... what have they accomplished for Somalia? Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabaab certainly have no problem riling people up against the governments of Muslim countries... come to think of it, neither do CNN or Vice News... what do all they have to offer?

another thing is if you Haqiqatjou types are so serious about revolution, you should know about the history of revolutions... and if you really know about the history then you would know that pretty much all modern revolutions are run by freemasons... what you have time and time again is a Masonic government on one side and then a revolution directed by Freemasons on the other side. who wins? Freemasonry wins.

I advise the Haqiqatjou types to learn a little history and learn some history regarding their Jewish-Masonic minhaj


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
something Sheikh Uthaymeen said about the Haqiqatjou types is basically that they have a mindset of teenagers... this is the blunt truth... it is a mindset of teenagers... the traditional mindset which Haqiqatjou and them call "Madkhalis"... it's a mindset of adults... I think Gaddafi was a kaffir and I don't feel sympathy for him at all... but the people with that Haqiqatjou type mindset did nothing for Libya... and if they really represent this true opposition to the system, they wouldn't have been backed by CNN and NATO

