Jumca prayer

Guys since I started my current job 2.3 yrs ago I could not attend jumma prayer simply because my boss wouldn't allow me to take 2hrs off from work and work extra on the other days. He said you can apply your annual leave once you get annual leave. There aren't much jobs being posted for the past 2 years in my field. I did get one midnight shift part time job which I didn’t take due to the fact that working graveyard shifts are not good for the health among other factors such as you pay for carpark etc. Now am comptemplating leaving the job soon even without any other job lined up because of not attending jumma prayer.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
QUIT and Put Your Trust In The Almighty Lord. He's The creator of this materialistic world AND He'll Reward you for being a pious Muslim who cared about his prayer more than what this temporal world can offer.
Guys since I started my current job 2.3 yrs ago I could not attend jumma prayer simply because my boss wouldn't allow me to take 2hrs off from work and work extra on the other days. He said you can apply your annual leave once you get annual leave. There aren't much jobs being posted for the past 2 years in my field. I did get one midnight shift part time job which I didn’t take due to the fact that working graveyard shifts are not good for the health among other factors such as you pay for carpark etc. Now am comptemplating leaving the job soon even without any other job lined up because of not attending jumma prayer.
One of my sudani friends in the same situation quit and ended up getting the same job with a muslim boss that paid 50% more.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Guys since I started my current job 2.3 yrs ago I could not attend jumma prayer simply because my boss wouldn't allow me to take 2hrs off from work and work extra on the other days. He said you can apply your annual leave once you get annual leave. There aren't much jobs being posted for the past 2 years in my field. I did get one midnight shift part time job which I didn’t take due to the fact that working graveyard shifts are not good for the health among other factors such as you pay for carpark etc. Now am comptemplating leaving the job soon even without any other job lined up because of not attending jumma prayer.

I've been through it myself walaal and understand the burden, what i know is that missing jumah is not allowed unless one has a valid reason such as travelling, illness, taking care of the weak, work etc. Where the problem lies is when people apply a specific ruling to all circumstances and disagreements over what actually constitutes a valid reason.

An equally important matter is weighing up the good and harm that will occur as a result of any action that you plan on taking. If people are dependent on you then you need to factor in this as well because you quitting will have huge impact on their lives.

Just a quick question why do you need 2 hrs off ? jumah for the most part is held between 1-2pm so technically speaking you could use your lunch time to offer your prayer. I'm assuming that there's no nearby masjid which is why you need the 2 hrs ? If there's other muslims in your work place why don't you hold your own prayer there? If you're thinking of leaving it then why not choose the night-shift it's a better alternative as you'll work and attend jumah as well, it's hard i understand but it's better than quitting

Sometimes we're forced into situations that are out of our control and in such cases what's important is to do our best accordingly and utilise all the means available to us. You're not neglecting jumah out of choice ie wilful intention but as a result of your circumstance that doesn't allow you to do so. If there's someone close to that you could talk to please do so as they may be able to help out in seeking other alternatives which perhaps you didn't think of walaal

I ask that Allah makes it for you and increase you in goodness

Ameen thumma Ameen


It's all so tiresome
Even if you got Homer Simpson's job at a nuclear power plant you should still be able to quickly do your prayers without the need to ask for a break.

Just do wudu whenever you go to the toilet and pray wherever you are.

If it's an office just move the chair.

If it's as a security guard job just ask someone to spot you or if you're alone just pray near the place you meant to be guarding.

Why do people got to make a 2 minute prayer into a huge thing.

Just looking for an excuse to avoid work.

