Julius Malema is right

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South Africa is a geographical direction, it shouldn’t be the name of a country

It ignores the identity of the native population

The racist whites only wanted to quickly name the land they had taken

They didn’t even reflect on what the land should be named


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
South Africa is a geographical direction, it shouldn’t be the name of a country

It ignores the identity of the native population

The racist whites only wanted to quickly name the land they had taken

They didn’t even reflect on what the land should be named
I heard he's about to name it Azania:yacadiim:


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
Or the native peoples name or whatever
I think to name it after the native people isn't a good idea as there are so many of 'em who lived together before the Afrikaner/boers/dutch came to colonise the land. It could also cause violence as to why it was named after one group. Maybe Malema can do something about it and get the parliament to decide for a new name if he's elected incharge of the country
I think to name it after the native people isn't a good idea as there are so many of 'em who lived together before the Afrikaner/boers/dutch came to colonise the land. It could also cause violence as to why it was named after one group. Maybe Malema can do something about it and get the parliament to decide for a new name if he's elected incharge of the country
Well Pakistan is the name of many regions


Somalia should be renamed ''East Africa'' or ''Eastern African Republic'' (EAR) another direction. :siilaanyolaugh:

No more: Who is Somali debates. We Wuz A Geographic Direction.


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
So what?

Somalis running around with this We Wuz Cush, We Wuz Egypt, We Wuz Azania, are kind annoying to be honest.
We wuz Azania:ileycry: Who are those ones who state so?:farole: It's a hebrew name, how would it benefit a cushitic folk with history. Are they like A.American who say we built dem pyramidz


We wuz Azania:ileycry: Who are those ones who state so?:farole: It's a hebrew name, how would it benefit a cushitic folk with history. Are they like A.American who say we built dem pyramidz

It's an Ancient North Sudanese name. Cushites originally came from Northeast Sudan. It's a fitting name.


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
It's an Ancient North Sudanese name. Cushites originally came from Northeast Sudan. It's a fitting name.
Do you have a link that states so? I'm kinda getting a definition that it's a hebrew name meaning "God is listening" or "God listens". I wanna know about how it's ancient N.Sudanese name. And Why would it fit?:ileycry:. Are we bantu mixed with Arabs just like 'em. We only share cushitic atleast. Maybe a name like we wuz punts and shiitz could fit:mjhaps:
I actually don't care about such things cause that shiit ain't good for now:kanyeshrug: It makes us look like dem smack lips who claim everything to feel something


Its all bullshit to be honest, until we do proper archeological work on Somalia ourselves, aswell as explore our language ourselves.

In the meantime we can keep chanting WE WUZ after any little cadaan dude with a letter in front of his name comes out with a theory about us.

Its quite cringe honestly!

Its all bullshit to be honest, until we do proper archeological work on Somalia ourselves, aswell as explore our language ourselves.

In the meantime we can keep chanting WE WUZ after any little cadaan dude with a letter in front of his name comes out with a theory about us.

Its quite cringe honestly!

Do you need archaeology to prove your Somali?

You epitomise 68IQ.


Qolana Janno qolana naar
Some of us dont even pray 5 times a day and we are worried about who governed Egypt 1000s of years ago. Cush has no effect on your life be a good muslim. Be a good citizen whereever you live.

Alle kacabsada wixi gaalo ahna haa soo muslimeena like Ausiethehustler iyo kufaarta kale ee madmadoow.
Do you need archaeology to prove your Somali?

You epitomise 68IQ

Let me make this simple for you

Somali I am, because that is my identity.

But never have I heard the word Cush in the Somali language or ever identified with Cush in my life. But I guess you can identify with that and the 68 IQ all you want.

Funny how you failed pathetically without realising it. But I do not take everything some racist cadaan says about my people. Whether it be Cush or 68 IQ.

I leave that to idiots hint hint!
Let me make this simple for you

Somali I am, because that is my identity.

But never have I heard the word Cush or ever identified with Cush in my life. But I guess you can identify with that and the 68 IQ all you want.

Funny how you failed pathetically without realising it. But I do not take everything some racist cadaan says about my people. Whether it be Cush or 68 IQ.

I leave that to idiots hint hint!

'Cushitic' has nothing to do with identity alone. Nobody can just identify as Cushitic. It is a ethnic/linguistic classification that incorporates ethnicity/race/language.

You sir, are stupid.

Cushitic wasn't invented by the 'white man', take your Wakanda bullshit elsewhere. The Somali word ''Kooshin' is Cush. It is present in every Samaale abtirsi today.
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