No sympathy from me, the fucker handed Donald Trump the presidency by releasing (fed by the Russians) Clinton’s emails. His girlfriend, Pamela Anderson must be heartbroken
I have donated money towards Wikileaks numerous times. I love their services.
Dude got dragged out
Dude got dragged out
wonder how much cash equador sold for him.
He is basically screwed if he is brought to the United States.
Clinton would have been a hundred times worse than Trump. She's power hungry and says anything to get elected
no one is worse than trump. greatest disaster befallen on the US.
No sympathy from me, the fucker handed Donald Trump the presidency by releasing (fed by the Russians) Clinton’s emails. His girlfriend, Pamela Anderson must be heartbroken
Rather an idiot than someone who's evil. The Russian hacking didn't just come out of the blue. It's the result of Hillary Clinton meddling with Russian and Ukrainian politics, shit back fired on her. She tried to take down Putin going back 10 years.
Imagine having someone in office who thinks they can take on Russia, Putin is a mad man you don't want to be playing those games.
The worst Trump will do is build a wall, make racist comments and get his friends/family rich.
The timing is suspicious. A month ago, special counsel Robert Mueller would have offered him a deal not to be persecuted on condition that he testifies and cooperates fully. I think he will still get a good deal for his silence, maybe this time from the Trump admin who might convince the British not to extradite him to the U.S and if not, he might be charged with a lesser charge and be pardoned by Trump after few months in jail. If he talks, Trump will be in deep trouble.