Lol @ me being a Tesfaye, check my post history. I’ve always been the most vocal against habeshis on here. And I know about what you’re saying, I know they’re our eternal enemies until we are 100% free from them.
But at this current *moment* in history, while Kenya is actively pursuing our coastline and supporting Madoobe, you really thinking abiy is a bigger problem?
I actually sortve liked madoobe until recently. I thought he was religious, and a wadani (maybe could be a little qabilist). But this last episode with Kenya exposed him.
If not everything else.
Lol I know you want to see Somalia succeed I’ve been reading your posts long enough, but it’s also obvious at this point when your bias seeps through.
Anyway, may Allah swt grant us the best and get us out of all this, ameen.
Call it a bias if you want but I really don't have a horse in this race.
I'm only interested in Jubbaland because of the potential it has for agriculture.
Any competent warlord would've worked for me but if Ethiopia starts controlling the region you can forget about them letting you start a successful business there.
At least the Kenyans don't stop their geeljire underlings from running businesses.
Ethiopia has more Somalis than Kenya but somehow they have a lot less Somali millionaires than Kenya.
You can't even sneeze out loud as a Somali in Ethiopia without Addis Ababa's permission.
It's a question of the lesser evil. I have zero confidence that FGS would do right be the people and just want to get rid of a corrupt tyrant... plenty of those in the Benaadir region.