JL VS Farmaajo Could Delay Elections


Xog: Xiisadda DF iyo Axmed Madoobe oo ka dartay iyo Villa Somalia oo ku adkeysaneysa qorshaheeda
Asad Cabdullahi Mataan
By Asad Cabdullahi Mataan

October 10, 2020
in Warar

Xog: Xiisadda DF iyo Axmed Madoobe oo ka dartay iyo Villa Somalia oo ku adkeysaneysa qorshaheeda

Kismaayo (Caasimada Online) – Xiisad cusub oo dib u dhigi karta in doorashada dalka ay waqtigeeda ku qabsoonto ayaa ka dhex taagan madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Madobe iyo dowladda federaalka ee Soomaaliya.

Xiisaddan ayaa salka ku haysa ciidamada dowladda federaalka ee jooga gobolka Gedo, oo Axmed Madoobe uu dalbaday in laga saaro, haddii kale aanay doorasho halkaas ka dhici karin.

Si kastaba dowladda federaalka ah ayaan diyaar u ahayn inay aqbasho shuruudda Axmed Madoobe, taasi oo cakireysa xaaladda, islamarkaana keeneysa is-mari waa aan la ogeyn halka uu ku dhammaan doono.

Axmed Madoobe ayaa sidoo kale sharci-darro u arka maamulka dowladda federaalka ay taageerto ee Garbahaarey, oo uu sheegay inaysan marnaba maamuli karin hanaanka doorashada xildhibaanada

Garbahaarey ayaa waxaa loo asteeyey in lagu doorto 16 ka mid ah 43-ka kursi ee baarlamanka federaalka ee ka imanaya Jubaland, ayada oo 27-ka kale lagu dooranayo magaalada Kismaayo.

“Sababta marka horeba 16 kursi loo geeyey Garbahaarey ayaa ah in Axmed Madoobe uusan gacanta ku wada dhigin 43-ka kursi ee Jubaland, marka marnaba ma dhici karto in dowladda ay ciidankeeda halkaas ka qaado oo isaga uu maamulo doorashada halkaas,” ayuu yiri mas’uul ka tirsan Villa Somalia oo codsaday inaan la magacaabin.

Doodda Axmed Madoobe ee Gedo ayaa taagneyd xitaa ka hor inta aan la gaarin heshiiska doorashada, waxaana lagu xaliyey in dowladda federaalka ay mabda’ ahaan aqbashay in ciidamada laga saaro Gedo, hase yeeshee taas hadda ma muuqata mid dhaboobeysa.

Haddii xiisadda aan xal loo helin waxay keeni kartaa in doorashada ay dib u dhacdo, ama ugu yaraan 27-ka kursi ee ka imanaya Kismaayo ay dib u dhacaan. Waxaa iyana suurta-gal ah in Puntland oo mar walba garab u ah Jubaland ay la safato Axmed Madoobe, dibna u dhigto doorashada.

Hase yeeshee su’aasha is-weydiinta mudan ayaa ah; maxay tahay danta ku jirta dib u dhacaas, maadaama ay waqti dheeri ah siineyso madaxweyne Farmaajo, taasi oo muddo ay ka qeylinayeen Saciid Deni iyo Axmed Madoobe.


I urge our JL brothers @Teeri-Alpha @Ferrari @Django do not play into Farmajo hand, he wants to use now JL as an excuse to extend his term. I support that JL controls all JL representative but we must also ensure that the presidency expires in 2021 irrespective of JL and Farmajo disagreements.

We must transfer the presidency to the speaker as an interim solution, so now Farmajo stands on no leg, his out office, he can't come back to office without relinquishing GEDO mp's to Madoobe and the country will still function with the speaker in power.
Sadly Django is right. Farmajo will unite us kumade with his hate and ahmed is kept on his toes. This is perfect. We need this real politik. Ahmed has been too soft on buuns so he needs a reality check of what Kumade faces from the buuns. This is his Jinny he needs to get it out for too long he spent trying to please them.


Sadly Django is right. Farmajo will unite us kumade with his hate and ahmed is kept on his toes. This is perfect. We need this real politik. Ahmed has been too soft on buuns so he needs a reality check of what Kumade faces from the buuns. This is his Jinny he needs to get it out for too long he spent trying to please them.

@Teeri-Alpha We need to play our cards right in the election. Preferably we should vote like this.

1. Elect a president that is uae based or else if it's qatar based again, it's going to lead to another 4 year stalemate and if a Qatar backed president is in power, PL/JL isn't going to entertain any constitutional talk because they support a strong centralized somalia.

2. Out of the UAE candidates rather then just backing a leader on clan preference, we need someone who is preferrably anti marehan so GEDO revolts and runs back to JL, we want someone who can bring in the hags and sheikh sharif can't do it, geedi cant do it, forget HG even that abdirahman warsame is a waste of time. The only one I think of that stands a chance is 'baadiyow'.

3. It's preferrable that we secure PM as we can 'nominate who the PM' is from PL/JL unlike the presidency which all somali nominates which usually means they are going to select a leader that is pro somali first which means a centralist in their eyes, while they play that card, let's ensure we get a hag federal candidate in power.

We basically kill both birds(president n pm spot) with one stone. In election we back the most practical hag with influence in his clan not some naf la cari. Plus we can secure the PM spot by telling the candidate who we give our voice too he has to negiotate with PL/JL on who is named as PM and we get dubai to 'enforce' this agreement before funding the hag.

The worst outcome is qatar hag based president who then names a qatar darod based PM who will not have any influence in our regions and this will lead to another 4 years of waste like we saw with farmajo. Even the UAE based HAGS are naf-la-caris as they broken down into two foreign camps like they always do, hal meel kuma biiraan weligood.

Another bad outcome is Qatar select a Darod Qatar based president and Qatar based hawiye pm, this will mean another 4 years of the regions n sfg clashing on everything and anything as qatar isn't here for stability but ensuring constant instability.
Jland and Plands should already know who they will vote for. all Jland MPs, including those from gedo will go to that candidate. Announce a new president on Feb 8, hala waasho.


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