
Top Four Elements of the Christian Religion that were taken over from the Surrounding Roman Culture

1) Monogamous marriage (Nowhere found in the Bible)

2) Minimal Age of Marriage for Females of 12 (Nowhere found in the Bible)

3) A December 25 Christmas celebration involving gift exchange and feasting (i.e., Christmas). This was based on the most popular Pagan Roman celebration (i.e, Saturnalia) which took place at the same time and involved gift exchange and feasting. (Although Jesus's birth is mentioned in the Bible, there is nothing about a December 25 date or any celebration).

4) The notion of a God who has a semi-divine son with a human woman, who then dies and is raised to heaven as a god. This is the story of Heracles (i.e., Hercules) son of Zeus which becomes the model for later Christian understandings of Jesus son of Yahweh. (Christian understandings of Jesus come partly from the Bible. However, the Bible contains conflicting material on the nature and life of Jesus, like the Gospel of Mark versus the Gospel of John. Moreover, the Bible itself was written many years after Jesus's earthly life and is based heavily on later revelations allegedly given to people who had never met Jesus, like Paul).


