JESUS OF NAZARETH! A geeljire doctor in the UK banned due to crippled English comprehension. The madman adamant the problem is northern UK English

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my only question is how did obtain his medical degree and the subsequent license needed to practice? 🤔

Do you need English to get a medical degree? Read the article he went to medical school in Italy, he most likely speaks fluent Italian.


Sapienza is a very good university, if he could do Medicine there he should be able to learn English in 11 years.

Also, How'd he pass the interviews to get certified to work in the UK with subpar English?

Bizzare case
Learning a non-native language is never easy. But I did qosol reading what he wrote.

"The only issues was a lady consultant that called to me while I was driving on raining day to get history a patient that I referred her and we could not hear well enough and then made complain that I was not speaking good english but she confirmed the mental health patient that Ibrefered my diagnosis was right and no clinical compitance"

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