Jacfar has had enough of Culusow boob tells Dayniile community. to fight back “


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

War Culusow dhiiqo lugaha u geliye Jacfar buu ka xanaajiya Murusade ila Sayidka way qabsan karan!!! Aar oodweyne ka joog!

War Culusow dhiiqo lugaha u geliye Jacfar buu ka xanaajiya Murusade ila Sayidka way qabsan karan!!! Aar oodweyne ka joog!
He's right, people should arm themselves. and any crook who is carrying Fake papers should be shot on the spot.

I would pay some Troops their full Salary, if they will stay and defend people from Land Thief's who hide behind the admin of HSM.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
He's right, people should arm themselves. and any crook who is carrying Fake papers should be shot on the spot.

I would pay some Troops their full Salary, if they will stay and defend people from Land Thief's who hide behind the admin of HSM.
Beesha Murusade must defend themselves from Hiiraab expansion into Dayniile. Oodweyne unuku leh is the same as Miranaayo unukuh leh.
Hindsight is 20/20

Except everyone including jacfar knew what they would get with HSM.
We actually knew that HSM would be a problem for Beesha Murusade but we had no choice but to give our Hawiye kin a chance specially considering the fact that Farmaajo back stabbed Beesha Murusade by refusing to give Khaire a chance of becoming a president even after knowing that it was Murusade that introduced Farmaajo to sh Shareef when Shareef was looking for a Darood PM. I personally had Khaire as my 1st choice, then Shareefka and then Farmaajo.

Anyways what happened has happened. Beesha Murusade knows how to defend itself against people who try to take their lands even if those people use the government as a disguise.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
We actually knew that HSM would be a problem for Beesha Murusade but we had no choice but to give our Hawiye kin a chance specially considering the fact that Farmaajo back stabbed Beesha Murusade by refusing to give Khaire a chance of becoming a president even after knowing that it was Murusade that introduced Farmaajo to sh Shareef when Shareef was looking for a Darood PM. I personally had Khaire as my 1st choice, then Shareefka and then Farmaajo.

Anyways what happened has happened. Beesha Murusade knows how to defend itself against people who try to take their lands even if those people use the government as a disguise.
I remember couple years back in 2016 Salebaan HG tried to take over Hantadheer and Murusade repulsed them. It seems like the trojan Horse Culusow is back for revenge


We actually knew that HSM would be a problem for Beesha Murusade but we had no choice but to give our Hawiye kin a chance specially considering the fact that Farmaajo back stabbed Beesha Murusade by refusing to give Khaire a chance of becoming a president even after knowing that it was Murusade that introduced Farmaajo to sh Shareef when Shareef was looking for a Darood PM. I personally had Khaire as my 1st choice, then Shareefka and then Farmaajo.

Anyways what happened has happened. Beesha Murusade knows how to defend itself against people who try to take their lands even if those people use the government as a disguise.

You just wrote fiction, murusade didn't introduce anything. But farmaajo introduced murusade to politics even made you pm when hiiraab was against a murusade pm. Kheyre backstabbed farmaajo but you want to rewrite something that happened 2 years ago. Anyway enjoy the hawiye government you fought for.
You just wrote fiction, murusade didn't introduce anything. But farmaajo introduced murusade to politics even made you pm when hiiraab was against a murusade pm. Kheyre backstabbed farmaajo but you want to rewrite something that happened 2 years ago. Anyway enjoy the hawiye government you fought for.
Allah’s curse is on those who lie. It was a Murusade that introduced Farmaajo to Shareefka. Did you really think Farmaajo became pm through his own connections? The only connection farmaajo had to a high profile Hawiye like Shareefka was through farmaajo’s wife’s people. If you say otherwise then tell me how did Farmaajo become pm? I’m willing to listen to this Xaar. You bit the hand that fed you and you payed the consequences of it. Farmaajo sacked kheyre because he was against the extension

HSM is our son and we know how to deal with him so don’t worry.
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Qabiil is a drug that Somalis can’t get off of. This qabiil has been displaced by oromos in Harar and genocided but they can only protest Somalis.
Oromo invaded former Adal and Abyssinian territories because of the weakening of both states. We lost Harar centuries ago. The last Great War was between A Somali coalition led by Karanle vs Amhara led by Lig Jasu
