I've really worked hard on my dhikr and connection to Allah

I've been praying my salah doing dhikr working on my connection to Allah.

ive been reading every dua ten thouusand times a day

so im feeling lucky im going to play the powerball lottery see if this dhikr made me lucky


Proud American
I've been praying my salah doing dhikr working on my connection to Allah.

ive been reading every dua ten thouusand times a day

so im feeling lucky im going to play the powerball lottery see if this dhikr made me lucky
Tom Hardy Bait GIF

Ciyaarta naga daa you old lady


A blessed human
I've been praying my salah doing dhikr working on my connection to Allah.

ive been reading every dua ten thouusand times a day

so im feeling lucky im going to play the powerball lottery see if this dhikr made me lucky
is this some joke you keep planning?? I can't tell if your lying or telling the truth. But what happens between you and Allah is between you and Allah
on a serious note im trying to feel the sweetness of iman.

this contentment with your maker im not there yet but i will keeping trying in sha Allah

because i was so blatant about wanting euthanasia in the future. so i diagnosed myself gaal with lack of faith.

so im on a spiritual journey to heal my gaalnimo


A blessed human
Well, I'll incorporate you into my salah. watch Sh. Omar Suleiman, he's good with your issue. Listen to Quran, and read the Quran. Read about the 5 pillars of Islam and the 6 pillars of Iman, they'll help focus on your cause.

This will help: https://noblemarriage.com/blog/how-to-get-closer-to-allah/

Remember, Allah does not hurt his believers, and May Allah be with you on every step you make.

Allah forgives Zina if one offers sincere repentance. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The one who repents from sin is like the one who did not sin.”

Sincerely hope for you, sister
thanks sis im going to look into the pillars of islam


I've been praying my salah doing dhikr working on my connection to Allah.

ive been reading every dua ten thouusand times a day

so im feeling lucky im going to play the powerball lottery see if this dhikr made me lucky
glad to hear this sxb, now stop thinking about what childbirth feels like (for those who don't know... check his post history LOL)

