It's Official - Puntland Is An Independent Country

All of you little nigglings commenting on here don't even live in Somalia.. Stop this tribal nonsense and also stop supporting arrogant useless politicians, nothing good will come out of it.
Exactly the tribal nonsense is why Somalia has been a shithole for 30+ years
Tagnay tagnay and we ain’t looking back.
Im Out Catch Me GIF by For(bes) The Culture


All of you little nigglings commenting on here don't even live in Somalia.. Stop this tribal nonsense and also stop supporting arrogant useless politicians, nothing good will come out of it.
You'd have better luck trying to change the tide on command then making folk here see sense. It's weird how people idolize any Somali politician, Deni, HSM, Farmaajo. All of these men are the same fat oligarchs and they care for nothing but their pocket.
We have legal justification as the constitution was violated by the executive and the kangaroo parliament is a sub agency of the executive not independent. Somalia Is a banana republic, plus their no supreme court. What do you expect us to do? SL is illegal and trying to violate international law. PL isn't violating international law and will accept an autonomous status internationally untill the villa Somalia executive stops violating constitution.
Everytime I see people criticise that constitution they never speak about their actual problem they have with it. What are u mad at ? Genuinly. Is it the 1p1v? Is it the party system ?


Everytime I see people criticise that constitution they never speak about their actual problem they have with it. What are u mad at ? Genuinly. Is it the 1p1v? Is it the party system ?
Most are mad at who is doing the reform and not the reform itself. The stalemate would've continued forever since no one gets along. If Deni or Farmaajo were doing the reform process you'd hear the same thing.
Most are mad at who is doing the reform and not the reform itself. The stalemate would've continued forever since no one gets along. If Deni or Farmaajo were doing the reform process you'd hear the same thing.
Im starting to think that too and its actually sad. But before i truly believe that I would atleast wanna hear their prespective. Could u steal-men their argument ?


Im starting to think that too and its actually sad. But before i truly believe that I would atleast wanna hear their prespective. Could u steal-men their argument ?
Personally I think most have a issue with the structure of political parties. There are 2 camps of thought, the one that wants a set amount of parties (2/3 political parties) and those that want multiple parties. Both have valid points as they both aim for 1m1v in a manner that prevents clan parties forming.

Also the egos of some may be dented by no longer being called president. Then again it makes no difference what title goes by, governor still holds the same powers.

There have been actual threads made to discuss issues people have with some of the reforms. One done by

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Most are mad at who is doing the reform and not the reform itself. The stalemate would've continued forever since no one gets along. If Deni or Farmaajo were doing the reform process you'd hear the same thing.
There’s no inclusivity here man, if he wanted one man one vote he could’ve easily just added that to the provisional constitution which isn’t even completed yet. VP & and president with no parliament is a quasi dictatorship. VP and president have power over all state resources and which foreigners can operate on our land, two people! In the wrong hands such as Hassan’s, this is doomsday scenario for Somalia. A parliament which wasn’t sworn in on 1m1v seeks to exclude the best constitutional stakeholder in the nation, which is puntland. His excellency Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf made PL constitution, so the fact that puntland had 0 say on the constitution is criminal.
You'd have better luck trying to change the tide on command then making folk here see sense. It's weird how people idolize any Somali politician, Deni, HSM, Farmaajo. All of these men are the same fat oligarchs and they care for nothing but their pocket.
We are blessed with useless leadership and qabilism, truly a curse upon our nation.
I WISH Puntland would leave, but instead, Puntland will run a parallel government.

β€œThe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”​

Abaayo seccesionism is a failed project, haven't you seen how miserably the triangle has failed? We should fight for a federal Somalia, we reject centralism also hsm doesn't represent Somalia, he failed his obligations, just look at the Somali army getting anhialiated by al shabab, there's actually a great risk of the south falling into shabab hands once atmis pulls out its forces or if the Ethiopians leave and create a vacuum.. This stupid man and his minions are actually very damaging to Somalia, but when people realise this fact it might be too late.
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