it's about to go down in Gedo

Warya dont mess with xeer Darood, i expect captured MX pow to be provided with thier daily quule and captured caghdeers cano boore with thier shaah

You are talking to the wrong guy the moment war starts he will ran to deqa sufti.

Ask yourself why is oromo subclan eas never mentioned in 1991 or 1998.

The first time you here of this somali aboo is when Madoobe made Maxamud Sayid the VP.Before they were irrelevant goat herders.
gedo soo ogaden malaha? ogaden boys are getting their lands back stolen by msb.
Wa ruun but madoobe will leave the status quo of having pirahna mamul in Gedo wa juug juugtisa meesha joog.
So why will we die for to change pirahnas.

I would prefer the JL forces wait for pirahna livestock and loot them all.Its abaar season in Gedo and we expect beesha abaar to be migrating to our ends soon.
This is Janaan, who is being utilized by Kenya to extract revengeThe Ogadeen cattle hearding are renowned for their cowardice, hence why they’ve lived under occupation their entire existence. :banderas:
This is Janaan, who is being utilized by Kenya to extract revengeThe Ogadeen cattle hearding are renowned for their cowardice, hence why they’ve lived under occupation their entire existence. :banderas:
Says the langaab whose land is under occupation since 1995.
Tell me how geesi you are when luuq has been under occupation ever at the time of Barre hiraale.
This "war" is necessary evil for Farmajo.

He will use this to put the elections indefinitely.

Farmajo has few days left in other words he has sakaratul kursi :russ:
You are talking to the wrong guy the moment war starts he will ran to deqa sufti.

Ask yourself why is oromo subclan eas never mentioned in 1991 or 1998.

The first time you here of this somali aboo is when Madoobe made Maxamud Sayid the VP.Before they were irrelevant goat herders.

warya wardei. I deeply regret not karbaashing your folk when barre hiraale was karbaashing you. But mashallah you came to me with your two feet, from dhobley and kismaayo. And I was wondering when i had to come knock on your door. I have stocked caano booro and blankets for any of you who survive. I doubt i will get to use them though since you're unlikely to do so, and if you do you'd be running to garissa on foot. But don't worry I will send them to your folk in DDS, and the remaining will follow you when i kick your uncle out of kismaayo.
warya wardei. I deeply regret not karbaashing your folk when barre hiraale was karbaashing you. But mashallah you came to me with your two feet, from dhobley and kismaayo. And I was wondering when i had to come knock on your door. I have stocked caano booro and blankets for any of you who survive. I doubt i will get to use them though since you're unlikely to do so, and if you do you'd be running to garissa on foot. But don't worry I will send them to your folk in DDS, and the remaining will follow you when i kick your uncle out of kismaayo.
Warya goat herder you have never seen war nor city life you are a reer badiyo that even never knew kacanka existed as you were then in the bush.

The only crime madhoobe made is making you VP.You are a useless askari even MSB never used you nor did you help mx cause at all.


True Puntlander
Jubbaland is a traitorous pro Kenyan region led by a former terrorist, they are mad that someone is trying to prevent their Qabilism and now they side with Kenya. Soon they will be a kenyan province
If that your idea about JL, Then Somalia is Ethiopia province thanks to Xarmaajo.

