Italians claiming they bought Somalia and Eritrea!

they had an entire editor of a huge newspaper in 69 say he brought a 13 yo, a 1/4 journalist asked how's it different from pedonimo. the Italian men in the comments, "she's isn't arguing like the feminists today":ohhhdamn:
they had an entire editor of a huge newspaper in 69 say he brought a 13 yo, a 1/4 journalist asked how's it different from pedonimo. the Italian men in the comments, "she's isn't arguing like the feminists today":ohhhdamn:


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
Huge L for Eritreans @EritreanPost_ 😳☠️
F what Italy did. But they are gone from this region for good.

our main concern now are our southern neighbors. They have killed and raped more of my people. 1961-1998-2000

I really hate what the Italian colonialists did, but the British and Ethiopian colonialists weren’t better at all

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Bought of the clan leaders to quell any dissent. They fail to mention the talyaanis were only present in coastal cities due hard resistance of the locals for 30 years. Even those coastal cities were captured by their gunboats.

Man also says Somalia was dominated by persians and arabs while neither of these 2 population lay claim to Somalia besides of omanis who are we wuzzing. This is why colonial texts should be met with scrutiny, they are affected by the writers bias.


Forza Somalia!
The heego are obssessed with making rumors and damaging Somalia's image in anyway possible.