It’s illegal to be this BAD

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Somaliweyn haa nolaato
which xaliimo rejected you?


They’re gay!!!!!
I know many Somali women who have married Italians, Ethiopians, Jamaicans, etc. They werent convicts so :kanyeshrug:

Interesting because I grew up around a lot of Somalis. To the point where wallahi there's a Somali mosque 4 minutes from where I lived, and I ain't ever witnessed that. There was a Pakistani guy in his 40's that married a then 19 year old Somali girl though... Anyway this has nothing to do with interracial stuff

Edit: lol i mean I know Somali girls that married non-Somalis that weren't criminals. But they weren't exactly the creme de la creme as some of yous are implying
Interesting because I grew up around a lot of Somalis. To the point where wallahi there's a Somali mosque 4 minutes from where I lived, and I ain't ever witnessed that. There was a Pakistani guy in his 40's that married a then 19 year old Somali girl though... Anyway this has nothing to do with interracial stuff

Yup Older somali girls usually get the bottom of the barrell when it comes to AJnabi men. I USED to know this xalimo who was basic as hell but high standards. She ended marrying some incel white convict. I kid you not. Shes a single mother now lol.
@xalimathe6 @heretocollectwigs @Luna @RichEnoughForGucci

Lets stop replying to them. They are closet homosexuals.

@applenose is sooo homo he gets penetrated baclaan by @Subeer. Then he goes to @Kodeen.

Let’s all leave this aids infested thread.


Look at you quietly triggered and barely anyone even gave you a response. If you are offended, you know its because deep down inside everything i said rings true. Its an uncomfortable feeling of being told the truth and not the usual fake mashallahs eh? Now get your flabby self off this lol


Somaliweyn haa nolaato
Look at you quietly triggered and barely anyone even gave you a response. If you are offended, you know its because deep down inside everything i said rings true. Its an uncomfortable feeling of being told the truth and not the usual fake mashallahs eh? Now get your flabby self off this lol

You’re gay!!!!


Somaliweyn haa nolaato
HAHA weak response. This was a forum about hot non somali woman and you got all worked up and triggered and couldnt help but respond here in hate thus showing your insecurity. GOOd job moron ;)

You’re still gay!!!!
Was it actually that offensive? I seen much more imo reckless shit on here

True but FGM jokes are a no-no imo. Its not personally offensive but its fucked up u know?

Idk why its so hard for people to understand that. Try making those jokes around your mom or aunties and see if they laugh :farmajoyaab:

@xalimathe6 @heretocollectwigs @Luna @RichEnoughForGucci

Lets stop replying to them. They are closet homosexuals.

@applenose is sooo homo he gets penetrated baclaan by @Subeer. Then he goes to @Kodeen.

Let’s all leave this aids infested thread.

We out, sis. No problem!
True but FGM jokes are a no-no imo. Its not personally offensive but its fucked up u know?

Idk why its so hard for people to understand that. Try making those jokes around your mom or aunties and see if they laugh :farmajoyaab:

We out, sis. No problem!

Yeah, but there's a lot of shit I can't or rather shouldn't say in front of my mum.

I'm still surprised by the reception tbh. I just thought of a banging dark humour clit joke too

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