It’s funny to see people freak out about this lady with 9 kids when it’s the typical Somali family

Everybody’s like “how tf did she do it” meanwhile in our community it’s the norm LOL

I will say she looks hella good for 9 pregnancies though


9 kids is not normal for a somali family. We aren’t rabbits unless we’re looking for the child benefits


buuq iyo balaayo 🫧
This is cute but 9 kids isnt the norm in somali families either. Usually around 6-7. I want to have kids young too, it seems nice to be able to grow with your children.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
9 is very normal for a somali family, I don't have myself 8 siblings but 5 but its very common for somali families to have 8-10 kids. No way you guys are shocked.

