It’s Christmas!!

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Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
I hate Christmas. It's the only time of year white people are cool with a bearded dude who flies near buildings, breaks into houses to leave stuff to lure kids, and hangs out at malls hoping children will sit on his lap, all while he is covering his head, face with a beard and the rest of his body with a red disguise. It's the only time white people trust such a person and it's all because he is white. Imagine a brown bearded guy flying near buildings, lurking at malls to get kids to come to him, and breaking into people's homes. I truly hate it.
Skin color makes all the difference.
:bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell: :bell:

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
Christmas is a bastardization of the original pagan traditions it were to celebrate, but it is a much needed break from the winter hell, that we northernes go trough :)

I try to keep it alive by doing my good Christmas deeds, last year I volunteered and I did the same this year, we must show them kindness if all they do is increase greed :)
:pacspit: Deplorable

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
The elfs have been brainwashed since birth and really are Santa's little helpers...they help give him a cover so nobody catches on to his pedo ways . They're in on the act for sure
I never thought of it that way. Good point sxb. Can you believe this @GlitzyCue_ qaxaabad is ridiculing me for this? She thinks I'm crazy and making shit up

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
Lool you throw that word qaxaabad around a lot?
For someone who learning about somali culture who taught you that word my cadaan friend and why do you like using it ?
I’m not sure but I think it means young woman? I say in an endearing manner my friend. Correct me if I’m wrong. I’m old and I get mixed up sometimes. I apologize in advance. I would send you a hug but it will come out creepy, like all of my posts.
I’m not sure but I think it means young woman? I say in an endearing manner my friend. Correct me if I’m wrong. I’m old and I get mixed up sometimes. I apologize in advance. I would send you a hug but it will come out creepy, like all of my posts.


Wallahi my somali is qashin
I had something else in mind
But when you said that for a minute I was like
Oh maybe he’s right
Noooo yo that’s a bad word stop using it my friend
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