Israeli Defence Minister threatens Pakistan with 'Nuclear attack'

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Israeli Defense Minister: If Pakistan send ground troops into Syria on any pretext, we will destroy this country with a nuclear attack

20 December 2016

Israeli Defence Minister has threatened to “destroy” Pakistan-after Pakistan said on Thursday it will send Sunni fighters to Syria

Pakistan said on Thursday it was ready to send ground troops to Syria as part of an international coalition to fight against Islamic State.
“We have been frustrated at the slow pace …. of confronting Daesh,” said Tariq Fatemi,Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, referring to Islamic State by its Arabic acronym.
Following this Statement,Israel has said it will act if Pakistan send ground troops into Syria on the pretext of fighting against ISIS.
Moshe Yaalon, Israeli defence minister, issued his warning on Tuesday.
"As far as we are concerned,that is a threat,if, by misfortune, they arrive in Syria, we will know what to do,we will destroy them with a nuclear attack " Yaalon said.

Pakistan’s pro-Assad stance has reaffirmed Islamabad’s importance as an arbiter in Middle East conflicts. However, the Pakistani government’s Syria policy is accompanied by many risks. There are two main reasons why Nawaz Sharif’s handling of the Syrian crisis could destabilize Pakistan.

First, Pakistan’s support for Assad could exacerbate sectarian tensions between Shiites and Sunnis in Pakistan.
Second, Sharif’s alliance with Assad could cause Saudi Arabia to rebalance its foreign policy in a way that threatens Pakistan’s internal stability and vital interests. Many Saudi officials views Pakistan’s refusal to contribute troops to Riyadh’s air war in Yemen, while supporting Iran’s objectives in Syria, as a betrayal of a long-standing alliance.,-we-will-destroy-them-with-a-nuclear-attack


Current minister of defence for pakistan.

The news is fake, we're not taking the Islamist kool aid

80% of pakis are inbred anyway, nothing will be lost if it's nuked
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Israel is very ambiguous about their nuclear power, like the UK they never admitted nor denied their nuclear capabilities.


Most likely country to trigger World War III = fucking Israel.

That country is a menace to global peace.
That's a bit over the top if tru, since when did isreal dictate what happens outside thier borders and threatening nuclear with a country that can easily retaliate.

Bad politics for a country that's kinda politically savvy


Pepe Trump
Wow, we really do live in a post truth world. Israel neither accepts or denies it has a nuclear problem even though it is widely believed it does, thus they'd never expose themselves like that. Secondly, why would pakistan get itself involved in the huge pile of mess that is syria knowing full well that it could trigger a war with Syria and Russia and possibly Iran?The war in syria hass been lost and Assas has retained control, mostly anyways.

People who are unaware of the current geopolitical situation will devour anything given to them.
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