People want positivity and results no matter who they are, they may have different emotions but no-one wants continous failures and unsuccessful hence that is code word in philosophy they want goodness and not badness they cook it up in the ancient roman and middle eastern culture, its not raw and brutal to the reality of how does it 'benefit' us in Africa as they want value in wealth, knowledge, they want something to be different about who their standing next too or else their both dirt
The love is sent to europeans and asians because the culture didn't have it, it was 'rare' so they banked it and ran with it, they just look at what is 'rare' inside any culture and do the opposite and start building a 'root' for it and evolve it with 'wisdom' and 'tests' and show them it's different to what their all doing and how it's beneficial to them. There is nothign special about any society they have strength and weaknesses u just find what is the weakness and cook up a policy towards that at least it will hold for a while. If u contribute to what they're doing it will lead to the same thing
But in afrirca our weakness is exposed centuries ago 'no governance' we can't take 'orders' even adam refused god order and pharoah refused the order of moses, so they start to see there is nothing ever coming out of here with 'order or governance' that is effective again, hence europeans/asians banked rolled on that and ensured strict orders, every segmented, noone questions their superior type of system, they do shit that they know we don't do. Everyone does it deep down but noone will tell u. Or else what's special about them and u if your all doing the same thing, u become like trees, or dirt
We cant fit under these heirachies and orders it's legacy inheritance it doesn't go away thats why u will find some argue with their boss, manager, yelling, it's a weakness for just do your job and follow the orders.
The love is sent to europeans and asians because the culture didn't have it, it was 'rare' so they banked it and ran with it, they just look at what is 'rare' inside any culture and do the opposite and start building a 'root' for it and evolve it with 'wisdom' and 'tests' and show them it's different to what their all doing and how it's beneficial to them. There is nothign special about any society they have strength and weaknesses u just find what is the weakness and cook up a policy towards that at least it will hold for a while. If u contribute to what they're doing it will lead to the same thing
But in afrirca our weakness is exposed centuries ago 'no governance' we can't take 'orders' even adam refused god order and pharoah refused the order of moses, so they start to see there is nothing ever coming out of here with 'order or governance' that is effective again, hence europeans/asians banked rolled on that and ensured strict orders, every segmented, noone questions their superior type of system, they do shit that they know we don't do. Everyone does it deep down but noone will tell u. Or else what's special about them and u if your all doing the same thing, u become like trees, or dirt
We cant fit under these heirachies and orders it's legacy inheritance it doesn't go away thats why u will find some argue with their boss, manager, yelling, it's a weakness for just do your job and follow the orders.
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