Isolated Native Tribes of the Amazon

Samaalic Era

These Isolated tribes that at times number 30 members have their own languages and somehow live in the Amazon with literally no clothing or even the most basic tools. Although not definitive, its mostly likely these tribes only Tawheed they have received is probably from the time of Adam pbuh. :cosbyhmm:
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These Isolated tribes that at times number 30 members have their own languages and somehow live in the Amazon with literally no clothing or even the most basic tools. Although not definitive, its mostly likely these tribes only Tawheed they have received is probably from the of Adam pbuh. :cosbyhmm:
I wonder why Allah sent most his prophets to beni Israel and not to primitive tribes of Andamanese, Amazon, pygmys, dinka et cetra?
also where's their moral campass? I thought every human born with one

Samaalic Era

I wonder why Allah sent most his prophets to beni Israel and not to primitive tribes of Andamanese, Amazon, pygmys, dinka et cetra?
also where's their moral campass? I thought every human born with one
When we look at history from a Qur'anic perspective, Tawheed vanished from the earth just before the time of Nuh pbuh. A common mistake is that everyone is descended from Nuh and that the flood of Nuh pbuh is a global flood. Allah swt limited Prophecy to the descendants of Nuh who did not migrate to the New World or Pacific which was inhabited by Adamic tribes. These were only tribes and Allah swt sent Prophets to every nation
When we look at history from a Qur'anic perspective, Tawheed vanished from the earth just before the time of Nuh pbuh. A common mistake is that everyone is descended from Nuh and that the flood of Nuh pbuh is a global flood. Allah swt limited Prophecy to the descendants of Nuh who did not migrate to the New World or Pacific which was inhabited by Adamic tribes. These were only tribes and Allah swt sent Prophets to every nation

what about dinka, pygmys and other African primitive tribes?

Samaalic Era

what about dinka, pygmys and other African primitive tribes?
They never develop to the point of a nation or large tribes or nomads. Being hunter-gatherers, they are not settled and probably numbered less than 100 people for the average tribe and cut off from the world. Many areas of Central Africa is identical to the Amazon and Africa has the 2nd largest rainforest in the world

Omar del Sur

Do they go to hell or jannah since they don’t know anything about religion?

It can go either way

"A person who has never heard of Islam or the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and who has never heard the message in its correct and true form, will not be punished by Allaah if he dies in a state of kufr (disbelief). If it were asked what his fate will be, the answer will be that Allaah will test him on the Day of Resurrection: if he obeys, he will enter Paradise and if he disobeys he will enter Hell."



I love native ppl and all, but i'm somehow still convince that dajjal's temple is somewhere on the north sentinel island.



King Of NSFW
These are the people that were too ugly for the cadaans to rape

