Ismael Was Blessed

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Don't let the jews fool you into thinking Ishmael was kicked out, he was older and wiser(like somalis and most arab societies area now-aday and even other white or asian banu ishmael are), We didn't want to make abraham upset and said listen 'ana baxayo ee wiilkasi cuqdada badan ilasho' anaga aduunka iska soo celinayno si awoowah ibahim uusan qalbi jabin waxanu ka balan qadnay, waxani cuqdada miiran hadi aduunwaynaha uu tashadan waan ku ilalinayna ileen waa cuqdad miiran yahay mana iska celin karo aduunka mana la tiro badin. Lakin manta ibrahim ma joggo sxb, nebiga ayaa 'go'an' cad ka gaadhay in isirkooda la soo tirtiro oo gurigasi ay ku soo noqoto geesigi ismael oo ka tanasulay isaga hikmad badan. Wuxu galay desertkasi wuxuna bartay geelki sida loo dhaaqo, wuxu la kulmay arabti oo diinta baray iyo way soo dhowayeen wuxuna qaatay dhaqankooda iyo luqadooda.

Marki dambe nebiga ba ka yimi bani hashim oo ka tirsan bani ismael iyo reerahisa waxana loo balan qaaday inay tiro badnan doonan iyo aduunka haysan doonan dhinaca aqoonta, maalka, ciidanka, ileen waxanu la heeshin karna aduunwaynaha waxani cuqdada dishay wuu ka faana aduunka, anaga kama faano waan dhex galno sidu ismael uu dhe galay jahilinta arabta. Bani hashim waa reerka ugu gobsan bani ismacil waa reer nebi lakin waa qabiilo tiro badan manta iyo aduunwaynaha dhan bay joggan ma aha somalia keliya meelna dawlad iyo nidaam bay ka samaysteen meelna waa qabiil weli oo ku dhex jiro qowm kale sida sacudiga, yemen, iyo dalal badan xitaa sida turkiga, albania, balkans illahi ba og meelna way ku tiro badteen meelna kuma tiro badan.

Lakin bani ismacil aduunwaynaha wuu la heeshin kara waana sababta ibrahim yiri asagu iska bax kan cuqdada miirin hadi la diro, wala wasaya bananka sababto ah ah anaga ah geesiyiinta oo qabiilo uu dagaalamo, isir, abtiris, gabayadeen iyo sugaanteena waa aragta waxanu nahay dadka nebiga dortay sababto ah waa og yahay hikmada beesha.


Illahi hal nebi ayaa uu diray bani hashim oo yiri ana ka gabya badi doone iyo hikmad badi doone, way yaabeen hikmadi iyo balaayada nebiga oranayo wuxuna aha kan ugu sareeyo, way la safteen waxayna dhaheen reerka ba tahay qof magacagi ku ciyaari karo ma jiro lakin diinta arimaheeda qoyskagi ku dhaaf anaga waxasi kama soo bixi karnee.

Bani hashim looma badin doono inu janno ku galayo islam ee wuxu ku galaya hikmad, jihad, maal, iyo aduunwaynaha la haysto sida hada yahuda uu haystan cawaankasi cadanka. Anaga dhinaca kale ee cawanka madow ba noo loo diray si aanu labadu tartansinoo ileen waa dad iska jecel aduunyo waa aragtay naago, lacag, faan iyo hollywood nollywood kkkkk waa dad la ibsan karo ma haystan zinjiyad niyahow.

Malintu mahdiga dhabta yimado oo ka iman doono medina oo banu hashim ah ileen anagu kama yeelayno beel kale inay haystan dhaxalki nebiga, dagaalkasi bani hashim ayaa wiilashooda safkooda horey gelin doono waana og yahay nebiga waan sababta uu banu hashim loo dortay waa dad aan balantooda ka bixin. Hadusan bani hashim kuligood europe-africa-asia-arabta aysan safka horey ku jirin dagaalka oo mahdiga gashantisa ahaa dhinaca maalka, caqliga, ciidanka, awooda, tirada, hadi taas aysan jirin waa jihad been ah waana arabta jahilinta horey oo yahuda inyar qalday ama waa farsi oo iranian iyo balaayo radinayo.
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Mahdiga saxda ah marku yimado oo wuxu ahan doona niin maskin ah aan waxba haysan dadkana way ka faani doona lakin diintu iyo arimaheeda ma jebin doono weligisa iyo diin kasto aduunka wuu ogaan doona iyo hikmadeeda, ninkasi marku yimado wuxu oranaya BEESHA BANI HASHIM II KEENA. IYO MAALKOODA, CAQLIGOODA, CIIDANKOODA, EMPIREKOODA AYUU UGU TAGAYA WUXU ORANAYA WAXAAN AHAY INA ADEERKI UGU DHAMBAYN DOONTO ADUUNKA II RACA BANU HASHIM BUU ORAN DOONA AMA DAGAALKA MA GALAYO LA'ANTINA REER KALE AAN KU KALSOONI GABI MANTA MA JIRE.


Somalida waa aragtay wacad alle bay dhahan ma aha wallahi kasi waxba kama jiro. Wacadkeena horey marki la gaadho thats it lagama dhaqaqi karo. Wa ariin isirkeena ku sheegayo. Marku yimado ninka mahdiga wuxu aadi doona kuli meeshay bani hashim joggan europe-asia-africa wuxuna la farisan doonan iyaga dhaqankooda halkasi ah wuuna ka badin doona. Matheelan waxaa la oranaya ii aqri gabay cajib ah oo aan aduunka lagu arkin. Dhinaca asia marku aado waxaa laga yaaba inu kala hadlo dhaqankooda halkasi sida nidaamyo cusub karate, kung fu iyo wax aysan weligood arkin wacad bay marayan, europe sideeda oo kale wuxu ugu tagaya waxay halkasi dhaqankooda tahay wuuna ka badin doona.

Anaga somali ahan waxan la tagayna badiyaha iyo geedka hoostisa inu abasheena noo sheego iyo awoowasheena iyo tarikhdooda iyo gabayo, mahmahyo, sugaan, sida geelka loo dhaqo, sida naagaha loo gursado, midganku muxu yahay,
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Wa aragtay siday somalidu tiro isku sheegato, waxay ka timi awoowaheena oo la tiro badiyay iyo markay aqri jireen inu beesha tiro yaranayso waxay xasusan jireen langaabkasi ehlu naarka ah yahudka, waana meesha hikmadisa kaga timi inu langaab ehlu naar yahay ileen waa wax cuqdad miiran mana qalbi ficana. Dadka bani hashimka saxda ah aduunka joggo ogaada waxay calamad uu noqonaysa inay ku faanan tiro tarikhdooda horey iyo tarikhdooda manta hadaysan tiro ku faanaynin ma aha banu hashim ama bani ismacil gebigooda. tiro lagu faanayo waxaa noogu duceeyo ibrahim oo yiri waa badnan doonta hadi ay badan yihin arintu waa waa gobki weli haday yaradan gob ma aha wa jabay wa midgihi ama yahud baa soo dhex galay ama dad ba loo soo dirsaday in la yareeyo.


Waan wasmo badan nahay niyahow naago badan waxan uu gursana si wiilo noo dhalan ma aha in naag la jecel yahay, waxanu rabna in tiradasi baato. Marka iska wasa bantugasi, cadankasi, arabta kale ama waxad aragta lakin wiilo ka dhal. Waan arkay mahdiga wuxu oran doona malinta qiyaamo, cawe bani hashim koley inad fuleyo tihin oo dagaal neceb tihin waan og ahay oo mar walbo iska carartan oo aduunkasi iyo wasmadasi iska doonaysan si aad tiro badatan, malintasi wuxu oranaya kuli banu hashim hala keeno medina meel kasto aduunka joggan. wuxu oran doona fulaynimada baan aqana iyo hadan ka caqli badin safkasi ma galaysid aniguna gali maayo hadi gashankayga joggin.

Banu hashim waxay ilaliyan keliya beesha sxb cid kasto haka soo jeedo, waa arin isir, halka umadaha kale waa dad ilaliyo diinta anaga arimaha diinta ku ficano waa aragtay abu talib war waxasi iga wad buu yiri lakin adan ku difacaya maxamed. anaga sxb dhiig iyo isir baan u dhimayna, kama tagayno qof beesha jidka dhinac walbo aan uu nacno diinta iyo balaayada uu la oroday iyo salata dukta ku oranayo lakin shaki kuma jiro inay meel kaga dhaqaaqi doona mahdiga sida nebiga marku yimi badana wuu helay laga reebo abu lahab iyo waa aragta quranki loo aqriyay.

Boqor daarod dhiib ayaa haysto wallahi, abu lahab sidisa oo kale buu aha niin magac wayn ku leh beesha mana tansulin awoodisa, lakin inta kale beesha way racday nebiga, marka hal qof ayaa naarta ugu dhowan doono beesheena halka umadaha kale ay uu arki doonan naxaris marki dabka holacayo. yusan nagu dhicin sidi sayidka marku yimi oo beesha ku kala jabtay dhamanteeda. Xitaa cusman maxamud ayuu ku kala jabay, lakin malintasi ma jirayso baan filaya niin diidayo.

illahi ka barya inuusan naarta na gayn sxbyaal waa meel aad uu xun anaba soo arkay waxay uu haystan qof kasto bani hashim soo galo in loo naxarisanayo iyaga sababto ah bani hashim wacadkisa ma jebiyo sida yahudka.
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Abu lahab ayaa narta ku jiro raggow mana la dhiibatayno wuxu uu gaabojinaya aduunwaynaha kale si uu alle iyo abu lahad is arkan ileen waa nin wacadkisa ka dhaqaaqin. xitaa hadu naar galo banu hashim waloo gaboojinaya niyahow iyo janno hadu galo waa meesha ugu sareeyso wuxu geed hostisa la farisan doona beesha banu hashim iyo nebiga sheekaysan doona. Kuwa kale naarta ku jiro bismillahi iyo diimaha kale iyo qowmiyadaha kala duwan aduunka soo maray rafad iyo coy ayaa hayso. waxan ku arka caesar abahisa ha waso iyo ki iran ka talin jiray.

wixi banu hashim gursado waa janno gale niyahow sababto ah banu hashim waa ilaliya reernimo wacadna waa ku mara, sida darteed kuwa ay gursadan waa janno gale niyahow waana sababta uu illahi ismael yiri aduunka gabsada si aad nagahasi iska wastan oo carurtina uu ducaysan.

Waxaa naarta hoosta joggo yahud lacnatullah alaykh, ku tufa abahisa ha wase cuqdadisa ayuu la galay hana ku dhinto meeshasi. Waxana ku xiggo qowmiyadaha indha yarta iyo cadanka western europe oo aduunkani wax mooday oo yahud siray. arabti horey ismacil soo dhowaye waa ku jiran siiba kuwa hada joggo waa asal ahan kuwi horey kuma badno bani hashim ama bani ismael xitaa waa joggan lakin uma badno waxaa meesha la wareegay abu jahl iyo qowmkisa naarta sugayso kkkk.

Kuwasi waa ku jiran kuwa degan lebanon iyo caradasi waa qowmki meesha degana weligood iyaga iyo falastin waa dad la baray carabnimo lakin ma aha waa dadki cawaanki meesha loogu yimi abraham iyo labadisa wiil. Iran laftigooda. Niyahow medina mooye inta kale umadasi arintooda ma ficno oo inyar naxaris loo reebay dhinaca mahdiga. Lakin musliminta lama fahmi karo ileen diintu ma aha keliya arin gus iyo isir taas waa dhinac lakin waa arin illahi la amino iyo kuwa aad uu fican sida ansaarka oo banu hashim ka koreeyo waa joggan. anaga keliya waxan nahay beeshi la doodi laha nebiga geed hostisa lakin umada kale wa kuwi illahi loo keenay oo la badbadiyay mana la garan karo haday dacad yihin iyo hadi kale niyahow. kuwa hada joggo waa iska cawaan niyahow oo shan jeer iska dugto sida dugaagta oo kale. allow alle hadana waxaba ku jiro dadki madowba ee la abidsan jiray waxay ku washteen siil sida adam abahooda ah meelna ma gaynayso siil wa sidu shaydhanka uu siray ninki aduunka ugu horeeyay oo Madowkasi iska ah.
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Illahi wuxu yiri ninka banu hashim ah saladisa hadi hal mar uu dugto keliya waxay uu dhigmaysa aduunka oo dhan oo hal mar dugtay sababto ah wa wacad ilaliye ama salada maba tagayo hadusan si fican uu dugan asaga iyo illahi iskuma been sheegan ileen waa wacad ilaliye. Banu hashim in-yar ayaa reer nebi ah lakin inta kale waa beel weeye iyo illahi abtiriska iyo wacadkeeda waa yaqana inu serious yahay wa tarikh weeye. mahdiga saxda ah marku yimado waxaa ku fahmaysan somaliyay gabaygisa iyo hikmadisa iyo sugaantisa iyo hadalkisa somaliyeed. marku geed ka hadlayo wuxuu uu turjuma 100 meelood noolasha, 100 meelood naftada, 100 meelood tarikhda, 100 meelood diinta, waana hal geed ka waran welina isaga gabya buu samaynaya oo hadalada isku xijin doono. Dadka somalia joggo waagasi waxay oranayan wacadkeena waa haysata inta wiil, maal, general, iyo science iyo wax kasto aad rabtid noo sheega. Safkana ana ka horayn doono si lagu ilaliyo.

marku gabyo mahdiga, waxad soo turaysan boqolal malayin dollar waana hal gabay waxana uu farisan doontan beelaha daarood lacagtana ku turayso ileen waa maskin. naagaha aad ugu jeceshahin baad siin doonta mahdiga, wa kuwa ugu qaalisan dhinaca dhaqankina ama waxad malintasi qiimo uu yeeshan. Guriga ugu wayn dalkina asaa leh, ciidanki asaa leh, wax alale somalia taalo asaa masul kama dambays ah. Lakin waxaa jiri doono kuwa kale oo aad uu wayn malintasi oo saldanyoinooda europe ka jiro oo banu hashim ah iyo asia ma tagin nimankasi south america ama america ama africa madowka sababto ah lama ogayn waagasi inuba jiro iyo hadi loo tagi laha cawankasi buu iska ahaa.
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Somaliyay u need to hide your arab not boast about it, your in the black mans world and they dont like arabs at all, you need to talk black power with him and make him comfortable but never tell me your secrets, keep your abtiris with your odayaal who must hold onto it forever. Join Africa that is where you have been assigned to soo maal it all no other society can do it but u, allah has ordained it. You are only the cousin and u've been given the african job...europe job and asia job isnt our business there is bani hashims there also because allah has checked to ensure where-ever the jew sneaks in like the falasha did in ethiopia he counters it with a bani hashim tribe next door.

when the banu hashim comes from europe he will identify it all for u and remind you of the quran, there will be 100 warners before the mahdi comes, that's a long time. I suspect there is one good size one in europe and asia of banu hashim and some smaller living among other communities and not winning the war against the yahud. Africa hasn't been penetrated the jew is unsuccessful thats where he wants to go the most because he knows in torah where the big empires are, africans hate jews and we dont need much convincing them, they just need to be like trump they like dunya and boasting and women and cars.

We must not touch the habesha the prophet prayed for them, the jew has penetrated yes but we must defeat them in hikma because that negashi king was about hikmah you need to prove your case cause in those lands they dont send soldiers for nothing, where u think we got our dhaqan from? we got it from local tribes here about the sanctity of life this allowed us to grow in population.
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africa is for the taking the whole lot, they dont like whites or any other race due to slavery, this is good because they consider us pan africans we must promote that to them and capture their lifelines and make them pay rent to us on all their assets, minerals, set up banking system so we loan them money. we need to be the ATM of the banu hashim doing what the jews does in academia and science and economy.

Horn of africa was a difficult location because of the prophet blessing, look how we didnt move to far into the area compared to north africa the other arabs. Kush is gone now arabs have sudan that was masive place sxb. Their fine now only a small remnant exists in the south sudan but we can get along with them their easy to fool and warriors also that's why they own their land sxb. Noone owns their land if they arent warriors, that falastine is the ancient people sxb oo degi jirey he aint jesus people, their the dogs. Arabs have dealt with them and made them arab so let them be, operation is completed.

The bravest of banu hashim was sent to habesha lands cause of that blessing, we did a good job considering the odds. The oil is in bani hashim area of ethiopia, we will control their ass don't worry thur jewish way but deal with them nicely sxb, the prophet dont throw out blessing for nothing. Jabarti in eritrea are using the peaceful hikma route, the somalis are using the violent routes, it's all about penetration and ensuring their not a problem in the end days.

Their all ethiopians in somalia-djibouti-ethiopia not all of them just a few cushitic tribes. Isaaq and Hawiye are cushitic but they were blessed too why u think we have so much trouble in somalia with them. Politics masters are in somalia sxb the cushites and best of bani hashimes in worldly knowledge and affairs. U wud be suprised when I saw all the tactic being used in somalia i never saw that in arabs or europe their very dumb at politics....god blessed this land with the snakes tongue they will convince u and u dont even know its bad for u.

u know how hard it was to bring cushite tribes to islam in somalia, it was still happening in the 1800s with sheikh ali majerten and other banu hashim nomads penetrating the interior. U need to have alot of wisdom to convince them of anything because they been blessed and guaranteed a spot in heaven.
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The local cushites in ethiopia are blessed not the half jew boy haile sellassie, look at his lineage, his a jew waryaa even if he doesnt believe in judaism he is tribally a jew at all times in the heart. The cushite ethiopians no matter where they are in the horn are the best people the prophet trusted and told us to go here but it wasnt going to be easy to work this long history area and a blessed area at the same time and it's people. They got screwed when the jew penetrated and saw an opportunity to bring his bloodline into the habesha, he is your eternally enemy never forget that. Even if he is tigray christian or amhara.

Oromo christians are beautiful people same with oromo muslims or hawiye muslims and their double blessed if their muslim. Negashi was one of the cushites of that area not haile selassie if he was there he was the abraha type. See oromo in power and it's at peace again ethiopia when that jew comes is the problem, we must protect the original ethiopians in the area not fight with them, the enemy is the habesha half jew bastard.

if u meet a habesha muslim becareful he may be a real muslim or a sneaky liar trying to penetrate but they usually dont lie about their chrisitanity, leave them as christians the dogs so their always known.


The jew is vicious animal, he even penetrated yemen, he goes where-ever the prophet bless because he knows that will big blow to the banu hashim operations. We are not the religious mahdi I know this becuase it's going to happen in saudi arabia and the khaleej areas the matters of religion, we are just the warriors of the clan, the tribalist, the lovers of lineage, lovers of conquering the world for the prophet. We are relegated to dunya aspects because we are not strong enough for arimaha diinta.

We must wipe the competition out on earth for the arabs of saudi arabia, that's where the deen is, we dont have that knowledge and the real mahdi is coming from there but he will know all banu hashim clans and their cultures in the world and convince each in their culture. He will be learned about OUR AREA THE MOST cause it's a battle of the minds.

When that dusty sandle arab from medina comes to somalia and knows ur lineage better then u, your gabays better then u, your science and knowledge better then u, and all muslims regardless of sects say thats the man, go in that jihad because that is the only reason ur going to heaven for loyalty of clan. You are only loved by the prophet cause u dont break clan bonds, waad uu dhimata waxasi like abu talib.

Your test is that day only to see if u will give up dunya and your power for the final jihad I URGE U TO DO IT BECAUSE GOD WILL REWARD U THE HIGHEST THAT DAY BECAUSE U DID SOMETHING THAT WAS HARD FOR U, you should prayer if u want but all banu hashim are guaranteed heaven regardless of clan we all perform specific roles in dunya and world matters.

U r the jew of the banu hashim, look at aqeel how he wants to take the whole qasnad of the ummah. It's ok u cant change it sxb u have been matched to beat the jew in his position. Just dont be a jew to the real mahdi or u will be a ina gumeed. Allah always leaves behind clues so warners come and put it together for the people of the time. They will alll be banu hashim warners like the prophet tried to warn banu hashim first of final day when he was alive. They will come from everywhere the warners europe, asia, who knows where else their hiding but it will be 100 to be exact before the great mahdi comes.

That jew haile sellassie look at his lineage, allah always leaves clue, u cant lie about the lineage. A fuckin jew inside ethiopia and all his people who report to him. They will try to attack mecca and make us hate arabs, they coming for the kabah again. The way the banu hashim hate jews at a lineage clan level, this habesha of haile selassie lineage will hate the quraysh and banu hashim and see the kacbah as something has to fulfill for his fathers and honor their dignity. Becareful around habesha people, their filthy snakes and arabs were warned about them.

Only a snake knows a snake, notice how their the african unity headquarter those dogs their lining up bantus to attack the name of quraysh all of them and its supporters they wanna kill our lineage and say they won to god. We need eyes at all times on that jew, the arab in saudi wont know thats why you were placed there as darood to manage that fuckin jew ass. the habesha are weak in battle cause of that jewish marker, they never left abraham side, we had to deal with the world when we tanasuled for abraham sake on israel so that little cry baby like he is now can have israel.

Our biggest job is to bring the bantus all together reporting to mogadishu and then penetrate ethiopia and start to change these people to atheists and make myths of their lineage so they dont believe it. Send them to israel so the white jew can persecute him for being black, we must do anything to cleanse habesha. We must report to medina and tell them about africa sxb and its operations and especially that little haile selassie jew look at his nose niyahow he created rasta to slave the black mind to ethiopia and then created african headquarters to slave africans thru I wasnt colonized I am free man.

Their could be jews in somalia also i dont know, but u can tell if their not loyal to clan and loyal to something else, their either cushites which is good but they can also be plotting to end the lineages of tribes so we become NO MORE and slaved. If u dont know ur fathers like europeans in western europe they dont keep lineages or african bantus u can be slaved sxb by whoever comes and wins the day.
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If they use race or class or something like unions or whatever social fabric, they dont know their fathers their orphans pick them up and conquer that mind for banu hashim. Notice the arab countries outside khaleej areas and yemen there is no abtiris be it sudan morrocco, lebanon palestine, they are the supporters and arabized and told to back bani ismael tribes. Were all one tribe at the end with different gifts in dunya and religion.

Who u think created race? it was jews cause it wanted to manage the orphans and gog n magog for bani israel, we still have large muslim world and they are nowhere near it and we must push christianity out of the earth and make them atheists thru science and ilm and eliminate that factor of support for israel and leave that little son of a by himself.

Africa will be easy for us their just orphans and need an identity to be proud of and we need to find one for them and dig and search their history and make them fight the slavery of white man, they had history though the biggest actually thats why their so proudful all the time.

We need to deal with gog and magog ama juj and majuj its the asian tribes and european tribes, their lineage is no more and wiped they can be controlled by anyone from bani ismael or bani israel with the right tools, mind, money, equipments, education, etc.

Europe will take time, but china and the mongolian people is up for the taking with it's own history and not slaved minded but their no lineage so they were just groups of wild men gathered together and said your chinese lolllll same with europeans. Mind u there is banu hashim there also in those lands cause where-ever a jew goes a banu hashim will follow to check mate it.
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