Islam is the Cure to Racism and Tribalism

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
(just some thoughts in my mind)

one thing I think is inevitable if you are a diaspora person living in the West... people fixate on your race and ethnicity because you are in a minority.

it isn't just racism in the sense of racial hatred. it could also be people who fetishize, people who think you are "exotic," etc.

and you have people also I think who become overly obsessed with racial identity (not just in the West but in general).

Turkish secular nationalists for example, white nationalists, various people who obsess over "discovering their true history" and who are too obsessed with alleged ancient history... "we wuz" (and not necessarily just Afrocentrists).

alhamdulilaah, Islam gives you something way deeper and more profound than just solely the fixation on historical grievances, historical achievements ("did you know a Hungarian invented the rubiks cube?!"), obsessing over ancestors, lamenting over current national ills.

Islam is absolutely infinitely superior than any other... worldview, din, ideology, etc.

I'm not saying people shouldn't learn about their history and study it. History is a noble and worthwhile area of study.

However, Islam will give your mind so much more depth than even if you know everything there is to know about your history.

At the end of the day, if all someone knows is "and on this date this happened," "on this side there was this many soldiers," "he was backed by the Soviets and evidence suggests the CIA was behind his assassination"... and people just obsess over their history and heritage but they don't have Islam.... it all adds up to nothing. Memorizing facts about history and obsessing over race and ancestors won't teach us as humans what are the most vital and important things to know.

it is depressing to me because here in the West historically it went from overt racism to "I don't see race" back to overt race obsession... but the ultimate purpose of our existence is to be found in Islam... all these other ideologies are just like a wild goose chase.