Listen no city folks ok, listen ur a culture of complexity, ok which means in miyi tongue u take one drink and make '100 variations of it' then u go back to one by one and say this is good n bad. Ur complexity feeds itself, their always something changing for u, in other words 'waa si raca raca' wax kasto ninkasi ileen meeshu waa complex, mar kastana marku wax helo imaanki ayaa iska 'tura' he always think he has an answer in complexity when there really is none, it just keeps evolving. It's like jin world everything do just keeps evolving waa sixir their world but its similar premises to the earth world. Don't tell me coke is bad today and diet coke or this orange juice vs that one have u seen ppl in cities sxb. This is simple foods and drinks, imagine idealogies bisinka ma dhamaato, iyo madhabs, forget spirituality they fall for anything they desire when they get answer like christian prince a settler, isma badelan nimankani hence why they evolve constantly and get replaced and forgotten by the past.
Reer miyiga waa idin yaqan sxb and they keep u at a distance they don't interfere in your voodoo and all that spiritual complexity, that's amazing if his spiritual complex, he is physical world will be complex too cuz it's one dimension but it get buried and forgotten cause they keep evolving farmers. Bantu, whites, it doesn't matter it's the occupation and environment. People of the Cow weeye sura weyn bala siiyay. The miyi can understand because that where it started. People get referred to by their animals. Riyoole sheep clan. The camel people were not mentioned which means sheekadooda wa ka culus tahay quranka when mankind is done, their going to be last on earth and in jinn world. Thats why the camel survives the longest sxb in the desert and not other animals. Wa sheeko iyaga iyo shaydhanka ugu wayn isku hari doono and its game of simplicity. Yes or NO cuz thats where it all started in religion someone made a decision SATAN, good or bad is just the game to make anything in between fall to either one too much desire richness spiritual awakedness happiness but its not it evolves they abadon and switch no answer always...where as too much hate poverty is another test in the city. Look at amhara sxb raw meat eaters, they learned never mess with camel ppl, they will remember it by the culture cause we will make em remember u eat dead meat u to scared to cook in front of me but we cadalad too not like horse ppl who will slave u we go back to miyi and talk about the next centuries not in their time but their sons make decisions and each son cant copy his father ama waa cadifaad, he has to add something. Hawiye father is gone but the sons can survive if they dont copy the father and its hard cause if ur raised by a HABAR like Isaaq u follow cadifad like the jews are god the somalinimo is darod the quran is quraysh remember women raised u absentee father god is helping u still
Reer miyiga waa idin yaqan sxb and they keep u at a distance they don't interfere in your voodoo and all that spiritual complexity, that's amazing if his spiritual complex, he is physical world will be complex too cuz it's one dimension but it get buried and forgotten cause they keep evolving farmers. Bantu, whites, it doesn't matter it's the occupation and environment. People of the Cow weeye sura weyn bala siiyay. The miyi can understand because that where it started. People get referred to by their animals. Riyoole sheep clan. The camel people were not mentioned which means sheekadooda wa ka culus tahay quranka when mankind is done, their going to be last on earth and in jinn world. Thats why the camel survives the longest sxb in the desert and not other animals. Wa sheeko iyaga iyo shaydhanka ugu wayn isku hari doono and its game of simplicity. Yes or NO cuz thats where it all started in religion someone made a decision SATAN, good or bad is just the game to make anything in between fall to either one too much desire richness spiritual awakedness happiness but its not it evolves they abadon and switch no answer always...where as too much hate poverty is another test in the city. Look at amhara sxb raw meat eaters, they learned never mess with camel ppl, they will remember it by the culture cause we will make em remember u eat dead meat u to scared to cook in front of me but we cadalad too not like horse ppl who will slave u we go back to miyi and talk about the next centuries not in their time but their sons make decisions and each son cant copy his father ama waa cadifaad, he has to add something. Hawiye father is gone but the sons can survive if they dont copy the father and its hard cause if ur raised by a HABAR like Isaaq u follow cadifad like the jews are god the somalinimo is darod the quran is quraysh remember women raised u absentee father god is helping u still
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