Is this propaganda?

I never understood ilhan’s ‘connection’ with Qatar. I also heard lots of gulf Arabs hated her for some reason. Is this why she’s been keeping a low profile for the past few months?

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Bah Qabiil Fluid
It's nonsense I've yet to see actual proof if there was any FOX News would be waving that shit around 24/7


Bah Qabiil Fluid
@Medulla look at the tweet

Nonsense no proof other than random hearsay and the typical she married her brother for a green card. If they have confirmed sources they would be out in the open . Ilhan Omar isn't a mob boss you won't die from exposing her so I don't get the secrecy.

I am not bothered to refute each point they made , but that last point on her supporting al-qaida should tell you everything you need to know about these allegations.


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