Is There Any Scholar That Can Match The Legacy Of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah?

—Hāfidh of the Qur'an ,memorised
60,000 hadīths ,learnt Aqeedah and hanbali fiqh by age of 7.
-Started giving Duroos to students older than him at age of 8.
-Started giving Khutba by age of 17.
-Became Mufti of Damascus by age of 22.
-Was able to memorise 3-4 books a day.
-Used to write books in few days which other 'Ulama used to take longer period (Ibn al-Qayyim mentions).
-Authored over 900 books (some went upto 70 volumes).
-Was imprisoned several times.
-Wrote 300 books in prison only with memory alone and without any references.
-Used to provide a detailed answers when he was asked any question.
-Waged Jihad against the Mongols who invaded Muslim lands
-Used to be forefront in the battlefield and rode horses bravely
-Used to motivate people to fight bravely for Sake of Allah in the battlefield and used to give them short lectures until the enemies approach them.
-Died in Prison due to illness and left behind him an unrepayable legacy.
-Around 5,00,000 people attended his funeral.
May Allah Have Mercy upon him and Grant him a high status in Jannah.
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Sheikh bin tammiyah from Yasir qadhi to Ustadh Abdul Rahman Hassan . I have not heard any shiekh except they praise him and love his works .


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Hows your first sentence possible? No hate just wondering


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
wym what i wrote or his memory?
60,000 hadiths, hows that even possible? Even with an eidetic memory at the age of 7 no less? Also about the 5 million peoples at the funeral I think thats overstated because even the kaaba cant house that much people
60,000 hadiths, hows that even possible? Even with an eidetic memory at the age of 7 no less? Also about the 5 million peoples at the funeral I think thats overstated because even the kaaba cant house that much people
woops it should be 5 00 000. He was a sl celebrated hero with the victory of the mongols

his work ethic and learning was insane. he would write book so between asr and magreb time.

As a child he even converted a jew to islam. He had an amazing intellect as a child.

“The Jew would ask him about various issues, and would be insistent with his questioning due to Ibn Taymiyyah’s intelligence and brightness. Ibn Taymiyyah would answer him so swiftly that the Jew became fascinated with him. Eventually, whenever Ibn Taymiyyah would come across him, he would provide him with bits of information that would confirm to the man the falsehood he was upon. This went on until he accepted Islām and became a fully practicing Muslim, and this was due to the barakah that the Shaykh had despite his young age.”
Is he not the one who said Muslim Arabs are superior to other Muslims?
If not, then carry on but if this is true, how can such a man be revered?
Is he not the one who said Muslim Arabs are superior to other Muslims?
If not, then carry on but if this is true, how can such a man be revered?
In lineage, he expanded on it and gave it more nuance.

"Ibn Taymiyya (Allah have mercy on him) clarifies his opinion and gives a reason (also acknowledging, “Allah Most High knows best”) that is: because they were the very first models of Islam and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was from amongst them in lineage and descent, having brought faith in Him, having beneficial knowledge, righteousness, and of high spiritual excellence. It was not because of them being an Arab, or foreigner, with black or white skin, or residing in the city or countryside."

This isn't a modern argument based on race science or skin color. Instead, it highlights that historically, Arabs have been blessed with prophethood among their ranks and have served as the nucleus from which Islam spread globally. However, this argument is peculiar, considering the Quran mentions that 120,000 prophets were sent to various nations, indicating that prophethood was granted to every community.

"Allah, may He be exalted, sent messengers to every nation and He stated that they came one after another, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Then We sent Our messengers in succession, every time there came to a nation their messenger, they denied him, so We made them follow one another (to destruction), and We made them as ahadith (the true stories for mankind to learn a lesson from them). So away with a people who believe not”

“Verily! We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them”

Taymiyya is not a prophet but a respected scholar. He made numerous arguments and produced many great works that have significantly contributed to the community. His body of work contains few real flaws. Understanding the human psyche is important, as people have a natural inclination towards feeling superior. This is evident on this very site, where individuals often assert their superiority based on their clan, despite being genetically indistinguishable from others, even during Ramadan this display continues.

On top Taymiyya said that in the same way the Quraysh where superior to other arabs, he himself was of mixed Arab and Kurdish origins.

Many of these statements were made during the Islamic Golden Age, a period marked by significant wealth and power. This prosperity fostered a belief in the unique superiority of Arabs. However, in the 21st century, the reality is starkly different: the purest of Arabs in Yemen live in squalor, the center of knowledge in Sham is in ruins, and by every metric, Arabs are lagging behind. This arrogant superstition, which is not supported by the Quran, has been proven completely false. Most modern scholars have completely rejected this reasoning.

In the grand scheme of things, this comment does not tarnish his other work, nor could it, as race is not a component in his reasoning and contributions. Most people who bring this up tend to come from the Shia or atheist/ex-muslim/"""liberal"" muslims crowd.

In decades of work one wrong believe he held, fostered by other scholars in the time, does not at all discredit his other work. He is a pillar for the islamic academia and his good name should not be besmirched.
In lineage, he expanded on it and gave it more nuance.

"Ibn Taymiyya (Allah have mercy on him) clarifies his opinion and gives a reason (also acknowledging, “Allah Most High knows best”) that is: because they were the very first models of Islam and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was from amongst them in lineage and descent, having brought faith in Him, having beneficial knowledge, righteousness, and of high spiritual excellence. It was not because of them being an Arab, or foreigner, with black or white skin, or residing in the city or countryside."

This isn't a modern argument based on race science or skin color. Instead, it highlights that historically, Arabs have been blessed with prophethood among their ranks and have served as the nucleus from which Islam spread globally. However, this argument is peculiar, considering the Quran mentions that 120,000 prophets were sent to various nations, indicating that prophethood was granted to every community.

"Allah, may He be exalted, sent messengers to every nation and He stated that they came one after another, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Then We sent Our messengers in succession, every time there came to a nation their messenger, they denied him, so We made them follow one another (to destruction), and We made them as ahadith (the true stories for mankind to learn a lesson from them). So away with a people who believe not”

“Verily! We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them”

Taymiyya is not a prophet but a respected scholar. He made numerous arguments and produced many great works that have significantly contributed to the community. His body of work contains few real flaws. Understanding the human psyche is important, as people have a natural inclination towards feeling superior. This is evident on this very site, where individuals often assert their superiority based on their clan, despite being genetically indistinguishable from others, even during Ramadan this display continues.

On top Taymiyya said that in the same way the Quraysh where superior to other arabs, he himself was of mixed Arab and Kurdish origins.

Many of these statements were made during the Islamic Golden Age, a period marked by significant wealth and power. This prosperity fostered a belief in the unique superiority of Arabs. However, in the 21st century, the reality is starkly different: the purest of Arabs in Yemen live in squalor, the center of knowledge in Sham is in ruins, and by every metric, Arabs are lagging behind. This arrogant superstition, which is not supported by the Quran, has been proven completely false. Most modern scholars have completely rejected this reasoning.

In the grand scheme of things, this comment does not tarnish his other work, nor could it, as race is not a component in his reasoning and contributions. Most people who bring this up tend to come from the Shia or atheist/ex-muslim/"""liberal"" muslims crowd.

In decades of work one wrong believe he held, fostered by other scholars in the time, does not at all discredit his other work. He is a pillar for the islamic academia and his good name should not be besmirched.
Thanks for taking the time to write all that but it only proves my point. How can Quraysh be considered superior to others when they were pagans who used to bury their daughters?
Also, if the Arabs become superior because Allah granted them a prophet, then surely the Jews are the best of all people since they have been given most of the prophets.

The point is the Prophet himself said that no race or group of people is superior to others, so to ignore that and to ignore the Quran which explicitly says superiority is only in piety, not race or culture is wrong.
Ibn Taymiyah was wrong and he kinda sounds racist if you ask me.
Thanks for taking the time to write all that but it only proves my point. How can Quraysh be considered superior to others when they were pagans who used to bury their daughters?
Also, if the Arabs become superior because Allah granted them a prophet, then surely the Jews are the best of all people since they have been given most of the prophets.

The point is the Prophet himself said that no race or group of people is superior to others, so to ignore that and to ignore the Quran which explicitly says superiority is only in piety, not race or culture is wrong.
Ibn Taymiyah was wrong and he kinda sounds racist if you ask me.
there was a point in time in which Allah preferred banu isra'iil above the 'aalameen. Idk whether this is still the case, I'd assume not considering the best of mankind is from the Arabs and not from Banu Isra'iil, but Allah knows best.


regardless wallahi these are pointless things to worry or fret about, Ask yourself, even IF their lineage is superior, does this give them an advantage on the day of judgement? Shall Allah raise some in rank and lower others solely due to their lineage? Will it be your lineage that saves you from a tremendous torment? By Allah I swear that this shall not be the case.

there was a point in time in which Allah preferred banu isra'iil above the 'aalameen. Idk whether this is still the case, I'd assume not considering the best of mankind is from the Arabs and not from Banu Isra'iil, but Allah knows best.

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regardless wallahi these are pointless things to worry or fret about, Ask yourself, even IF their lineage is superior, does this give them an advantage on the day of judgement? Shall Allah raise some in rank and lower others solely due to their lineage? Will it be your lineage that saves you from a tremendous torment? By Allah I swear that this shall not be the case.

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I think you missed my point. The real point is let's say your a Muslim man, you're pious and you practice your deen to the T, how can some other man be better than you because of something arbitrary like lineage?
Also, how are we deciding which lineage is better than which?
If you believe in this kinda stuff, then the religion comes to in question.
I think you missed my point. The real point is let's say your a Muslim man, you're pious and you practice your deen to the T, how can some other man be better than you because of something arbitrary like lineage?
Also, how are we deciding which lineage is better than which?
If you believe in this kinda stuff, then the religion comes to in question.
1. how does the religion come into question because of this?

2. again, a man shall NEVER be better than an other due to lineage. if two men do the exact same thing, both of em their efforts being accepted by Allah, one will not receive more reward due to their lineage. Like I said, your lineage shall not do anything for you on the day of judgement. Thats the entire point of my response

3. no clue how scholars decide what lineage is superior to others, again it doesn't really matter much anyways.

1. how does the religion come into question because of this?

2. again, a man shall NEVER be better than an other due to lineage. if two men do the exact same thing, both of em their efforts being accepted by Allah, one will not receive more reward due to their lineage. Like I said, your lineage shall not do anything for you on the day of judgement. Thats the entire point of my response

3. no clue how scholars decide what lineage is superior to others, again it doesn't really matter much anyways.

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If it doesn't matter, why is a reknown shaikh like ibn taymiyah saying his people are superior to others?
It doesn't matter right? So why?
Also, how is a black Muslim man supposed to respect and read the works of this shaikh when he believes that said black man is inferior?
The religion comes into question because no person of color will be able to listen to shaikhs or scholars who hold these views.
1. how does the religion come into question because of this?

2. again, a man shall NEVER be better than an other due to lineage. if two men do the exact same thing, both of em their efforts being accepted by Allah, one will not receive more reward due to their lineage. Like I said, your lineage shall not do anything for you on the day of judgement. Thats the entire point of my response

3. no clue how scholars decide what lineage is superior to others, again it doesn't really matter much anyways.

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By the fact that the Prophet saw descend from them makes the Arabs better as a nation compared to the other nations.
:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: Kulaha he is hated by deviants

If you actually read some of his works you wouldn't say that. Ibn Taymiyyah's giftedness is not disputed but he had many strange even blasphemous positions- though some say that he abandoned these
:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: Kulaha he is hated by deviants

If you actually read some of his works you wouldn't say that. Ibn Taymiyyah's giftedness is not disputed but he had many strange even blasphemous positions- though some say that he abandoned these
How many times did his scholarly opponents put him in jail and slandered him?

Even after he lead the muslims to victory against the mongols they still threw him in jail
I think you missed my point. The real point is let's say your a Muslim man, you're pious and you practice your deen to the T, how can some other man be better than you because of something arbitrary like lineage?
Also, how are we deciding which lineage is better than which?
If you believe in this kinda stuff, then the religion comes to in question.
This is a personal belief of Taymiyyah that is neither supported by hadiths nor the Quran. It was a conclusion he arrived at independently, based on his own lived experiences and reasoning. Ultimately, this belief does not taint his work, as the issue of race does not affect his legal rulings or the logic he used in his interpretations.

Similarly, Aristotle claimed that rocks fall to the ground because they love the ground, which is entirely false. However, this incorrect belief does not diminish the immense value of his work in philosophy. Becuase this false idea was not foundational to Aristotle's later work, Taymiyyah's views on race, mentioned only in this instance, do not undermine the rest of his contributions.
If it doesn't matter, why is a reknown shaikh like ibn taymiyah saying his people are superior to others?
It doesn't matter right? So why?
Also, how is a black Muslim man supposed to respect and read the works of this shaikh when he believes that said black man is inferior?
The religion comes into question because no person of color will be able to listen to shaikhs or scholars who hold these views.
again youre equating the lineage, something which will not avail you anything on the day of judgement, to the entire person and their worth when I already explained to you how this is false.


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