Is There Any Good Financial Advisors U Know?


Is there any good financial advisors you know? Im talking the best in the game with 'evidence' of course? I need the following advice from them so if they don't have this data, I don't think their worth their salt.

1. Market capitalization from 2000-2022. I want the end of year value of the market and the growth each year.
2. I want to know the identified patterns when it's a bull/bear market.
3. I want 'sector' value each year and it's growth from 2000-2022
4. I want large-medium-small players in each sector and who took the 'most growth value' each year from 2000-2022
5. I want govt data on port activity for goods/materials, which city it went too and what sector it was targetting from 2000-2022
6. I want govt data on unemployment levels across 2000-2022 and which cities it effected
7. I want the 'warren' buffet technique on what metrics he uses to value a 'stock' value vs it's returns vs it's growth potential
8. I want a growth 'strategy' from my capital at this 'stage' not 'income'. It must be above inflation levels 1-5% by a 'good margin'
9. I am willing to risk 10% of my capital for high risk/high reward, 10% medium risk/medium growth, 80% in safe/low growth(index/etfs/bonds/metals/property/). It may change ratios depending on the financial analyst expertise
10. All companies recommended must have a proven CEO, plan to expand their market share and grab the 'growth' in it's area or cost cutting plan.
11. All companies recommended I want to know their supply chain/internal value pie plus investment/operating costs vs revenue
12. Companies recommended must demonstrate their internal structure is best 'value' compared to their competitors plus their company internal functions and processes map is 'sound n effective' to deliver, Plus Their work culture also to ensure maximum productivity value.
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I am not interested in day to day trading as it requires to much time/effort for small gains. I want 'growth' strategy over a long duration. Im not interested in the 'momentum' investment where the hordes go either as that's usually 'pump n dump' by billionaires to bring the herds in and then take their growth and pull out. It has to answer those fundamentals I listed before companies/sectors are recommended.


Im pulling my retirement nest egg if a proven financial analyst exists, im not happy with their 'low growth/less risk' strategy on all my money. I want to allocat pools to 'risk' and growth.
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The reason I am so focused on 'historical' performance over a long duration, it helps assess their accuracy on future prediction, plus it gives an idea of what the 20 year growth cycle or at least a margin of error. Plus I am big on 'value on stocks' like warren buffet strategy but im a bit further in terms of I want internal value within supply chains/internal processes/teams/ or wat i call 'produtivity' value compared to their competitor.

I hate 'waste' absolutely 'infuriates' me. Now some argue it is inevitable to have 'industry waste' but I argue then it's matter who has the 'least'. Supply chains assessments r important to ensure their delivering at best 'market value' not 'nepotism value', same with their internal structure/processes isn't creating positions out of 'nepotism' plus a strong work culture to ensure they have productivity 'edge' then similar competitor in their sector.
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Hehe I don't want to brag, but I'm greate.


I want to keep my bank balance low and only immediate spending, once it pools up, i want to put into 80/20 strategy of growth. Leaving money in an account as time compounds could leave u 30-50% worse off. Thats why banks only store fraction to support people expenses day to day and it takes them 'week' to liquidate assets for large transaction. Even ppl do this, put most of their money into property/retirement nest eggs, while only leaving small amount to be ''eaten' for expenses, u essentially want 'zero' in your account every month end.


Hehe I don't want to brag, but I'm greate.


It's not hard to make 'sound' decisions if u have the right 'data' to work with.

1. Govt data. Central bank interest rates. Unemployment.
2. Port data where goods are going in a country and sector
3. Then it's company budget information. Their expenses(investment, operating cost) vs revenue
4. Their productivity value vs competitors. Business functions to processes to teams to work culture gives an 'edge' on competitor delivering same thing
5. You must know market value as a whole each year, then sector value, measure the growth year by year, 5 years, 10 year, 20 years.
6. Then it's a matter of seeing smallest player, medium player, large player who is taking the more 'growth' based on their sector value growth.
7. CEO i can't emphasise this part. If he doesn't have a set plan on market expansion to 'grow' or cut his expenses, their no way that company is growing
8. Warren buffet 'technique' to value the stock vs it's growth potential
9. Finally 'read' forecasts for the 1 year-5 years-10 years, and based on the historical data u read, u have a 'margin of error' to work with on the future forecast.
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@Rationale do not follow 'momentum' investor or where ppl r running in hordes and basically over-pricing a stock, this is a tactic by billionaires called 'pump n dump', it's inflated not sound 'fundamentals' of the company books, the company could be in the 'red' revenue wise and u wouldnt know becuz all u following is the horde. Do those sound fundamental rules, u can't go wrong.


Their could even be a little pit bull small presence in their sector with excellent fundamentals, great ceo, great balance book, great supply/chain and productivity value with a rapid program to expand and take more rapid share or cutting costs to still deliver compared to overbloated monstrosity, poor fundamentals, pathetic ceo, no value in their supply chain/productivity value. It could be 'reverse' or their could be medium sized player with sound fundamentals.


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