Is There A True Socialist Country?


A-lot of people think Socialism exists in varying degrees across the world with the nordic nations listed as the most compliant and then it just gets weaker in grade untill it's basically non-existent in America. We must define socialism as per it's idealogy. It's a middle-ground between extreme capitalism and extreme communism. It promotes that essential services to human beings should be funded/managed fully by the public thru their government.

Essential services are things all human being need universally and is generally a mix of physical/social infrastructure such as water, energy, schooling, health, food, roads, ports, airports, police, prisons, military, housing. The socialists argue these things are not to be left to the private market to profiteer from becuz it's so essential to human well being.

Most countries in the west, their taxes are taken and redistributed to private companies to carry out nearly every public service and this then allows investors to buy shares in these companies who are delivering something the society cannot live without and hence become very 'wealthy' quickly, they see it as the safest yet most growth potential investment due to how central it is to the nation. They eventually become conglomerates or oligarchs and start to dominate or buy out other companies which reduces competition and sadly innovation cuz they own everything.

The only thing left in the public domain in America is elementary-high school, police, fire dept. The rest of it's social/physical infrastructure is managed/owned by private companies. Even their military is currently hybrid public/private model but it's quickly scaling towards full privitzation as the military budget is largerly taken by contractors from private firms and weapon manufacturers.

The type and scale of Socialism is definitely different across all western countries, but none are pure socialism at all. Most are some water-downed/corrupted socialism model with private aspect being so prominent.

I personally morally/philosophically believe Socialism in it's purest state is the best model for human beings, I know their is a current 'scare campaign' being conducted by the right wing but that's all it is, I have yet to see them challenge the following benefits of socialism.

1. Socialism ensure essential services is universal for all not for some
2. Socialism ensures private market can compete/innovate without worrying about conglomerate/oligarch groups swallowing them up who likely developed their wealth by owning/managing social and hard infrastructure
3. Socialism allows GDP to grow thru new businesses not worrying a conglomerate does everything and owns all market spaces under different 'naming schemes'.
4. It's a 'fair' boundary between public needs and private wants(non essentials)
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Xadka 'aasaasiga noolosha iyo ganacsi' is very much 90% swings to 'ganacsi' model in the west. What's sad is, in some spaces it's their 'taxes' being redistributed to private companies like the military. Even when big infrastructure is laid down like roads, communication lines, water, airports, ports, its the ppl who pay 4 it thru the govt and then it's the companies who rush in and OWN it and privatize the profits to themselves, wats funny when they go belly up and bankrupt, its the ppl who bail em out.
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Either way I am realist and idealist. But in reality Socialism in it's purest state doesn't exist anywhere today. It's majority privatized now. That war has been lost to the right wing calculated 'scare campaign' on un-informed ppl. Now the war is on social services and either eliminating it or privatizing it also. The current left wing r busy on identity politics like immigrants, race, lgbtq, women and has even skewed away from it's founding principles, their to scared to even re-educate ppl on it, it's sad situation becuz it plays right into right wing hand which want them focused on identity politics not come back down to 'economic' area which they know they would be annihilated.
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I put Books to the Test of Life
National socialism was pure and real socialism; communism, on the other hand, is not socialist, but the jew constantly infiltrates ideologies and religions to corrupt them in order to promote his aim of global dominance. Just like Paul the false apostle did to Christianity, and Abdullah ibn Saba tried but failed to do to Islam, Karl Marx succeeded in usurping socialism and transforming it into Marxism/communism.


National socialism was pure and real socialism; communism, on the other hand, is not socialist, but the jew constantly infiltrates ideologies and religions to corrupt them in order to promote his aim of global dominance. Just like Paul the false apostle did to Christianity, and Abdullah ibn Saba tried but failed to do to Islam, Karl Marx succeeded in usurping socialism and transforming it into Marxism/communism.

When u go to supermarket in Australia to do ur grocery, 2-3 companies own 90% of the products but they keep the old names of the companies they bought out to show their some sort of competition, when their clearly isn't. This hurts innovation also if all the market space reports to 2-3 conglomerate groups(possibly jewish involvement definitely). Our largest shopping mall franchise the westfields, is owned by them, their collecting 'crazy' 20k type of monthly per store thats the 'small' spaced ones from the goyim kkkkk. They even sell out their outdoor areas to 'truck' type of businesses. Wallahi these niggas may even sell out toilet space to some goyim to do 'hand washing services'
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National socialism was pure and real socialism; communism, on the other hand, is not socialist, but the jew constantly infiltrates ideologies and religions to corrupt them in order to promote his aim of global dominance. Just like Paul the false apostle did to Christianity, and Abdullah ibn Saba tried but failed to do to Islam, Karl Marx succeeded in usurping socialism and transforming it into Marxism/communism.

Many jews converted to Islam(noone knows if they were genuine or crypto jews) as crypto jews did exist which they even testify to using as a 'trojan tactic' in christian europe, so it could've been transferred into muslim domain also. PPL say they had a-lot to do with sunni/shia split. Cuz the shia stink of 'bloodline' theology of mohamed-ali-hasssan-hussein, blood-line theology is mastered by who none other then JEWS. How it came into Islam, waa inay is waydiyan muslimiinta, i suspect crypto jew tactic.


@techsamatar Jews would also do Abtirsi on prophets or scholars that came to them as they all had to join the line of Jacob-Isaac, one of the big reason they didn't accept Islam. Then they have other test criterias which I forgot but it's testing their wisdom(not just repeating it but giving it higher dimensions) on torah, talmud, hidden secrets(prophecies), etc which is why even the prophets who were abtirsi wise Israel, they failed in other criteria tests of theirs. Bloodline theology is massive in Judaism, they have dedicated fields too it.

I think they even tested mohamed a few times but they were just 'playin' him is my suspicion as they can't allow a prophet to exist that is outside the so called promise given to Abraham inay nebiyinta ka dhalanayso keliya carurta isaac. They don't believe god takes away or changes his mind on this 'promise' even if they r good or bad they argue how can he change his mind.

I have this unsettling idea even their kosher or kashrut laws was influenced by outlawing anything they saw in non jewish cultures so they can remain 'distinct' and 'special' lol even tho they argue 'god told them so'in order to give it a holy decree.
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