Is she 16?

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Emily, u is a , am the maker.


Raw meat is completely Haram in our religion and Somalis will never dare to eat something they forced other people to do and made them turn it into a traditional cuisine for the Aidthopians.

You're full of shit. :reallymaury:
Somalians forced us to eat raw meat? Did you pull that bs out of your arse :abuxyga:
Raw meat is an optional, we also eat cooked meat.
He is not religious and doesn’t care about what y’all think of him:cool:
We are stealing your men and coming for your tiny country..what you gonna do about that:trumpsmirk:
If you hate us then don't have a somali boyfriend you weirdo. What will u do in the future hate on your man's side of the family. Or even worse talk shit about somalis to him when he is one?:mjlol:
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