Is it ok to ask your husband


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
@SOULSEARCHING first, tell us how many inches can your pinky toe take?!! Plus, what's your breasts size?!! In cubic centimetres (cc). Thank you.


Hakuna matata
Would you like it if a guy asked you about how large your naaso were? That's plain immoral, disgusting and disrespectful.

If a chick that I was getting engaged to asked me this, then I would end it real quick. If she's comfortable asking this in front of you, then I know she does some messed up shit behind the scenes.

I would tell my future husband my size
Attracting what energy?:childplease:
I mean say all day I’m judging guys heavy on their appearance saying they are unworthy. Do you not think I’ll attract an equally shallow man. Attraction is important don’t get me wrong. Once you lose your looks they’re gonna leave I see this shit play out too much lol.

