Is it just me or

The forum has been flooded with newbies..
Walahi with all these newbies I feel like a dinosaurus..maybe it's time for me to quit sspot :noneck:
Same wallahi i feel lost, and they all seem to be younger than me i feel like a boomer
I just sitting here listining to these zoomers.
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You joined end of last year, so yes you are a newbie.. But anyway I wasn't even referring to you.. But there are a bunch of folks who are coming with all new nicknames I haven't seen before.
Stop hating on newbies
U just Mad we are getting hot trending theareds and be in trending topics


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Sorry bro but I have been lingering this site for a while soooo

