Is chess permissible during Ramadan?


Bantu Liberation Movement
Buraida al Aslami reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: He who played chess is like one who dyed his hand with the flesh and blood of swine. - Sahih Muslim Book 28 Hadith 5612​
A History of the Muslim World to 1405: The Making of a Civilization
Page 118​


Bantu Liberation Movement
Chess is Halal bro. I dont know what you on.

Poker though is Haram.
You are a Somali who follow Shafi'i, it is disliked but permissible in your madhab. It is the only jurisprudence that does not rule it haram.

According to Imam Shafi’i, playing chess is slightly disliked [karahah tanzih]. In Ithaf al-Khayrat al-Maharah, it is related that both Sa’id b. Jubayr and Sha’bi considered it permissible. Hafiz Bayhaqi related something similar from Hasan. Furthermore, Hafiz Busayri cited Hafiz Mundhiri that some narrations are found pertaining to chess, none with a sound isnad.



Certified Liin Distributor
Playing chess is forbidden in Islam
You are a Somali who follow Shafi'i, it is disliked but permissible in your madhab. It is the only jurisprudence that does not rule it haram.
What happened to this religion that people would worry about chess being haram or not. Knock the cross off the king's crown if you're that bothered. Bring back the Abbasids please


What happened to this religion that people would worry about chess being haram or not. Knock the cross off the king's crown if you're that bothered.
No wonders muslims are in a sorry state of despair compared to the advanced civilization of the WEST. Basically our so called learned and wise elders are stuck in a stone age mentality when even chess is being compared to alcohol. Everything low iq is HALAL.

These fake ulemas will be the first thrown in hellfire in judgement day as they have failed their duties enormously.
What happened to this religion that people would worry about chess being haram or not. Knock the cross off the king's crown if you're that bothered. Bring back the Abbasids please
Its just ulama worrying about minutiae in the middle ages when other aspects of religion were settled. Back then law, sex, marriage were settled, they only cared about small details. Its reversed now.
No wonders muslims are in a sorry state of despair compared to the advanced civilization of the WEST. Basically our so called learned and wise elders are stuck in a stone age mentally when even chess is being compared to alcohol.
chess is waste of time, chess if you know anything about it is useless. A civilization doesn't advance because of chess, it hinders them. Chess is a wasteful hobby.


It's all so tiresome
Who wants to play chess?


