Iran Protest: CIA Busy Again

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Seems as the US along with Israel&Saudi is ready to export some of its democracy over to Iran. They are expecting the same result as in Libya,Syria,Egypt etc.

How many times has this same scenario played out, the CIA/Mossad are clearly lacking creativity.

And how hypocritical of US mainstream media to call for a change in power in another country when they have been crying non-stop about Russia's alleged involvement.

Iran clearly is not the same as Libya or Syria and will overcome this but it does show how bad the US/ Israel wants war badly.
Middle Easterners are so stupid always falling for this democracy CIA bullshit. Iranians should just look at their neighbours and realise that stability > freedom.


Middle Easterners are so stupid always falling for this democracy CIA bullshit. Iranians should just look at their neighbours and realise that stability > freedom.
Nah, never that. Stability is important ofc, but freedom should never be sacrificed under the guise of security. Stability is simply a starting point that every society needs in order to function, while freedom is an essential component in and of itself.

The Iranian government needs to do better for their people if they don't want them to be disenfranchised. No doubt that the Americans have ulterior motives in regards to showing "sympathy/support" towards these Iranian protesters, BUT, the Iranian gov can't just use the American/Western--WorldPopo boogeyman in order to slack on their responsibilities to their citizens.
Middle Easterners are so stupid always falling for this democracy CIA bullshit. Iranians should just look at their neighbours and realise that stability > freedom.
Not only that, they would be dumb to let the US repeat what they did to them in the 1950's.
Nah, never that. Stability is important ofc, but freedom should never be sacrificed under the guise of security. Stability is simply a starting point that every society needs in order to function, while freedom is an essential component in and of itself.

The Iranian government needs to do better for their people if they don't want them to be disenfranchised. No doubt that the Americans have ulterior motives in regards to showing "sympathy/support" towards these Iranian protesters, BUT, the Iranian gov can't just use the American/Western--WorldPopo boogeyman in order to slack on their responsibilities to their citizens.
These protest started out as because of economic problems. The US has been trying to sabotage Iran financially for decades with sanctions since they cant operate their banking schemes there.

In the end, they are rightful to blame them for everything.


These protest started out as because of economic problems. The US has been trying to sabotage Iran financially for decades with sanctions since they cant operate their banking schemes there.

In the end, they are rightful to blame them for everything.
Yh, that's why globalism is f'd up; Iranians are reliant on the West in order to keep their economy stable. And America will refuse to lift sanctions unless the Iranian gov agrees to comply with their requirement (a.k.a become a puppet to the U.S.).

What are the innocent people to do though? Should they suffer in silence so that they aren't 'playing into the CIA's hands'?? At the end of the day, the onus is still not on the protesters. The Iranian government needs to figure a way out of this; the Americans cannot exploit a weakness that does not exist (although CIA are not above fabricating propaganda/dysfunction, these protests are genuine).
Yh, that's why globalism is f'd up; Iranians are reliant on the West in order to keep their economy stable. And America will refuse to lift sanctions unless the Iranian gov agrees to comply with their requirement (a.k.a become a puppet to the U.S.).

What are the innocent people to do though? Should they suffer in silence so that they aren't 'playing into the CIA's hands'?? At the end of the day, the onus is still not on the protesters. The Iranian government needs to figure a way out of this; the Americans cannot exploit a weakness that does not exist (although CIA are not above fabricating propaganda/dysfunction, these protests are genuine).
Iran definitely is not reliant on the west since they have lately signed multiple energy deals with Russia/China. Which is why the US and its puppets have accelerated the aggression towards the Persians as of late.

There are protest like these every day all over the world. Since it has been featured on every news channel and newspaper does not make it more genuine or add to its merits.

Have the news channels covered about Honduras today?. Which basically #IranProtests but ten times the scale of what is happening in the streets of Tehran.


Iran definitely is not reliant on the west since they have lately signed multiple energy deals with Russia/China. Which is why the US and its puppets have accelerated the aggression towards the Persians as of late.

There are protest like these every day all over the world. Since it has been featured on every news channel and newspaper does not make it more genuine or add to its merits.

Have the news channels covered about Honduras today?. Which basically #IranProtests but ten times the scale of what is happening in the streets of Tehran.
Well their citizens are unsatisfied (justifiably, imo) so I guess the Russia/China deals aren't fast enough. The sanctions by the west are still impacting them.

I didn't disagree that America and their media puppets are emphasizing the protests in Iran in order to suit their political interests/agendas. It's no secret that America loves to intervene in the business of others, but what I'm saying is that we shouldn't automatically take the side of the Iranian gov just because we are in opposition to how America operates/has long operated.

The news channels may be ignoring the plight of many working or middle class around the world, but that doesn't mean those issues are objectively any less important (I hold the belief that all governments should answer to their citizens). By that same token, the lack of [biased] Western media coverage of other nations' not enough reason to say we should dismiss/downplay the protests of the Iranian citizens.
Yh, that's why globalism is f'd up; Iranians are reliant on the West in order to keep their economy stable. And America will refuse to lift sanctions unless the Iranian gov agrees to comply with their requirement (a.k.a become a puppet to the U.S.).

we live in a world where only one nation can unilaterally decide who to sanction and who not to. Have you ever heard china sanctioning a nation or russia. It's a dictatorship and the system needs to change. Even putin said we need a multipolar world. That's why stability is better than democracy. Democracy in all countries with the exception of eu states and are always criticize like turkeys russia brazil south africa and many more. Not that they are corrupt, but because they feel only they can decide what true democracy is and who adhere to it correctly. We are playing catch up.


we live in a world where only one nation can unilaterally decide who to sanction and who not to. Have you ever heard china sanctioning a nation or russia. It's a dictatorship and the system needs to change. Even putin said we need a multipolar world. That's why stability is better than democracy. Democracy in all countries with the exception of eu states and are always criticize like turkeys russia brazil south africa and many more. Not that they are corrupt, but because they feel only they can decide what true democracy is and who adhere to it correctly. We are playing catch up.
Yea, cuz Murica is the biggest world superpower and they have a lot of influence over the UN too. If Russia had won the Cold War, I don't think they'd be singing the same tune about a "multipolar world" tbh-- absolute power corrupts absolutely and dat. Also, as much as I dislike how America handles its foreign affairs and its attempts to push their version of democracy unto others, I'd rather them as 'the world police' than the Chinese or even the Russians. I agree though, there's a lot of catching up to do-- and the sooner, the better.
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